V2EX = way to explore
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回复总数  6
@Rwing 感谢感谢

Role & Responsibilities:
 UI developer responsible for analysis, development and support of existing and upcoming desktop applications, written using C#, WPF and WCF
 Deliver high quality change within the deadlines
 Independently propose and implement strategic/tactical solutions to critical business/technical
problems with minimal supervision / guidance
 Proactive communication with business and technical stake holders locally and globally for status
update, requirement discussions, discussions around solution/approach etc.
 Willingness to learn new technologies / processes / business areas, so as to contribute effectively
to projects

 Have understanding on risk management, with exposure on regulatory requirements including Basel 2.5 and FRTB.
 Distributed, service-oriented architectures.
 Hadoop, Dremio, Spark and the related ecosystem.
 ActivePivot, GemFire or similar in-memory cache/aggregation technologies.

联系 Lucy:934342311
2019-08-06 11:42:27 +08:00
回复了 LucyZhang 创建的主题 问与答 前端开发 P8 杭州,请联系我微信: 934342311
2018-12-13 11:13:06 +08:00
回复了 yizhimamong 创建的主题 求职 求个后台 C++开发岗
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