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V2EX  ›  ZhilingQwQ  ›  全部回复第 1 页 / 共 1 页
回复总数  7
11 天前
回复了 ZhilingQwQ 创建的主题 Cloudflare Cloudflare Dashboard 是真的慢
换了一台高配置的电脑,使用 Chrome 仍然复现
37 天前
回复了 siya 创建的主题 程序员 一个炫酷的个人网站
46 天前
回复了 cokyhe 创建的主题 NGINX 求救:屏蔽爬虫试了 2 天,没成功
为什么不用 robots.txt 呢
Hello Github:
Today in v2ex, I saw this : https://www.v2ex.com/t/969939
The user told us that "cskefu" send spam mail to the user "@mritd" by the email on his homepage. @mritd posted an issue ( https://github.com/cskefu/cskefu/issues/931 ) on github, and the project's coder told him "If you don't want to be spammed, remove the email link on github homepage."
Not only this user, but also a normal user posted an issue to cskefu/cskefu project for a new function without providing his own code. @cskefu blocked the user and called him a "little man" on their website ( https://www.cskefu.com/violation-announcement-2022-04-24/ ).
Hope you can ban this user soon, thanks!

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2022-12-22 15:48:05 +08:00
回复了 96XL 创建的主题 分享发现 AnyViewer 五年激活码
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