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回复总数  15
薪水范围:12- 40K,欢迎大家自荐 or 推荐哈
@debriliu 需要 C++实习生哈
@zgc4 加班很少哈
@erDaren 欢迎投递简历哈
@warcraft1236 给!欢迎投递并邀请朋友投递简历哦~
@Olivia 好的,职位有更新呢
@hugo775128583 今天加上啦~

Python 高级工程师 /全栈工程师 /数据导向

1. 设计在大数据环境下存储、清洗、聚合、分析、可视化等系统架构;
2. 负责业务系统的数据分析与挖掘,设计并实现支撑业务的数据报表系统,为市场与运营团队提供数据支持;
3. 维护包含海量数据的交易系统,设计并实现针对交易的风险控制模型;
1. 熟悉 Python 语言,使用 Python 设计过大型项目;
2. 熟悉 SQL/NoSQL 数据库,了解 Lucene/ElasticSearch 等类似索引工具,了解基本的数据挖掘理论;
3. 有丰富的系统设计经验,能够从业务与工程角度出发设计出高度可扩展、可维护的系统架构;
4. 具备一定的学习能力,并且有强烈的了解新知识的意愿,愿意尝试用新方法解决问题;
5. 熟悉现代化的开发流程,能够敏捷的分析问题并提出可行的解决方案;
6. 拥有全栈开发能力,了解或熟悉各种不同的技术栈;拥有比较"Modern"与"Open"的技术意识,对自己的作品感到自豪;


BaseStack = [
"Bigdata", "Python", "Cloud", "SQL/NoSQL", "SCSS/LESS", "Gulp",
"Docker", "Agile", "ElasticSearch", "Git", "Concurrency", "Linux/OSX",

["Payment", "Gevent", "InnoDB", "Java", "Queue", "Async", "Visualization", "Distribution"]

C++分布式高级工程师 /Lead

1. 负责直播 APP 后台服务的功能设计、开发以及优化;
2. 优化直播 APP 后台服务架构,构建高并发低延迟后台系统,解决性能瓶颈问题;
1.熟练掌握 C++,至少 4 年以上 C++开发经验, 7 年以上经验优先
3.熟悉 nginx,mysql,redis,memcached 等开源软件;
3.熟悉 Linux 下多线程 /进程及网络开发, 对数据结构和算法有深刻理解;熟悉 shell 等脚本编程,有良好的编程习惯;
4.熟悉分布式系统原理,网络编程原理,熟悉 TCP/IP.协议栈

DevOps Engineer 运维开发工程师-AWS

1 、负责 AWS 自动化部署及运维;积累并规范 DevOps 的最佳实践并文档化;
2 、负责产品的大规模、高可用性集群的稳定性运维;
3 、根据故障的分析和排除;
4 、深入研究业务运维相关技术,持续优化服务架构,参与自动化控制和运维监控平台的研发;
5 、系统的设计与实施;
1 、本科及以上学历,至少 2 年以上国际化云平台运维经验, 4 年以上优先;
2 、熟悉 Linux 操作系统和计算、存储基本知识, Networking(Routing, Switch, TCP/IP, DNS, VPN, CDN 等);
3 、有快速学习的能力,对学习新技术有热情,热爱运维工作,认真负责,有团队合作的经验;;
4 、了解云计算基本概念和架构,有使用过 AWS 、 VMware 、 OpenStack 或 KVM 等产品;
5 、有 scripting/programing(Bashshell, Ruby, python, etc.)经验;
6 、熟悉至少一种 SQL/NoSQL 数据库;了解虚拟化技术或分布式系统;

C++分布式高级工程师 /Lead

1. 负责直播 APP 后台服务的功能设计、开发以及优化;
2. 优化直播 APP 后台服务架构,构建高并发低延迟后台系统,解决性能瓶颈问题;
1.熟练掌握 C++,至少 5 年以上 C++开发经验, 8 年以上经验优先
3.熟悉 nginx,mysql,redis,memcached 等开源软件;
3.熟悉 Linux 下多线程 /进程及网络开发, 对数据结构和算法有深刻理解;熟悉 shell 等脚本编程,有良好的编程习惯;
4.熟悉分布式系统原理,网络编程原理,熟悉 TCP/IP.协议栈
@purebluesong 现在国内已经可以下载了哦~ 我们的产品名称是: MeMe 直播
@ttycode 好滴,谢谢提醒,最高达 5 个月的奖金哦, 欢迎应聘
Android 高级开发工程师 /Lead
1 、负责视频社交平台产品(直播)的 Android 端开发,提供健壮、用户友好、扩展性强的产品。
2 、根据业务需求,对产品进行架构设计,编码,维护,及时响应需求变化
3 、不断优化产品功能,逐步提高用户体验。
4 、跟进 Android 的技术发展,推进产品演进,负责安卓项目的管理。
岗位要求 :
1 、本科以上学历,计算机软件开发相关专业。能够流畅读写英文技术文档
2 、至少 4 年以上 Android 开发经验, 7 年以上经验优先。有视频相关应用的开发经验,有管理经验优先
3 、熟悉 UI 设计,关注用户体验
4 、熟悉 Android SDK ,熟悉 Android Framework ,熟悉设计模式
5 、精通多线程运作机制,熟悉网络通信机制,具有网络编程经验。
6 、熟悉 Android profiler 类性能分析工具、内存分析类工具的使用
7 、熟悉 NDK native 开发。
8 、有责任心,抗压能力好,有良好的团队协作精神

iOS Engineer/Senior Engineer/Lead

We are looking for a iOS engineer/senior engineer/Lead for a new product and a new team. If you are passionate about building exceptionally fun and beautiful products for hundreds of millions of customers, enjoy challenges in a fast paced environment, feels strong commitment to engineering excellence, and willing to take responsibility and accountability for a product line - please come talk to us. This senior iOS engineer is based in our Beijing headquarter. Good English skill is preferred.

Responsibilities :
1.Work with a small team of UE/UI designers, product, and engineers, and be responsible and accountable for our iOS product
2.Build fun and beautiful iOS product for international users: fast, responsive, engaging, visually appealing, and fun to use
Qualifications :
1.Strong expertise in iOS and Objective-C development; expertise in design, development, testing of iOS applications used by millions of users
2.Prior projects demonstrate engineering and product sense
3.Able to work as a generalist and jump into backend code with no fear; ability to work in areas outside of their usual comfort zone and get things done quickly
4.Demonstrated performance in fast paced environment and under pressure
5.Passionate about learning new technologies and tools
@Biscuits 不好意思,马上补上

iOS engineer/senior engineer/Lead

We are looking for a iOS engineer/senior engineer/Lead for a new product and a new team. If you are passionate about building exceptionally fun and beautiful products for hundreds of millions of customers, enjoy challenges in a fast paced environment, feels strong commitment to engineering excellence, and willing to take responsibility and accountability for a product line - please come talk to us. This senior iOS engineer is based in our Beijing headquarter. Good English skill is preferred.

Responsibilities :

1.Work with a small team of UE/UI designers, product, and engineers, and be responsible and accountable for our iOS product

2.Build fun and beautiful iOS product for international users: fast, responsive, engaging, visually appealing, and fun to use

Qualifications :

1.Strong expertise in iOS and Objective-C development; expertise in design, development, testing of iOS applications used by millions of users

2.Prior projects demonstrate engineering and product sense

3.Able to work as a generalist and jump into backend code with no fear; ability to work in areas outside of their usual comfort zone and get things done quickly

4.Demonstrated performance in fast paced environment and under pressure

5.Passionate about learning new technologies and tools
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

@echohanyu 是的,我们是由原 FunPlus 的互联网产品团队成立的独立公司
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