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1 天前
回复了 rebecca554owen 创建的主题 宽带症候群 广西移动封禁 ipv6
三年合约,38*36=1368 ,亏大了。
1 天前
回复了 rebecca554owen 创建的主题 宽带症候群 广西移动封禁 ipv6
许多人觉得我是跑了 pcdn ,我实际上是跑到了千兆,然后正好安装了 fnos ,就猛跑下载,把分享率改成 10 才停止,一共下载了两天,然后就没下载了,并且清空了列表,作种就没有继续下去了。
1 天前
回复了 rebecca554owen 创建的主题 宽带症候群 广西移动封禁 ipv6
升级了每一个月 38 块的 fttr ,免费送千兆宽带,很不幸,我在前几天发现速率不达标,一登录看到速度变回 300M ,再看 ipv6 也没了,我以为是路由器问题,结果上光猫一看,ipv6 已断开。重启,重建连接,都不行。
2 天前
回复了 xingkong06 创建的主题 宽带症候群 今天突然发现 IPV6 没了
我下载 bt ,分享率高了以后,ipv6 没了。
跟客服说 ipv6 ,客服跟你说 WiFi6 ,转了几个专席都没搞懂。
@zagfai 我写了文档。
服务端类似开了 TUN 之类的 VPN 抢占了端口,无法入站。
190 天前
回复了 rebecca554owen 创建的主题 宽带症候群 openppp2,一个次世代组网 VPN
## Client Side Configuration

1. Delete the vmem params as long as you client is running on your PC or the client device is using eMMc as the storage.

2. Set the udp.static.server




3. Set client.guid to a totally random one, please make sure no other client share the same GUID with the one that you are using.

4. Set the client.server

- ppp://IP:PORT



5. Delete the client.bandwidth to unleash the openppp2 full speed

6. Delete the mappings params

## Client CLI notice

1. The TUN gateway on windows should be x.x.x.0

2. Only by adding the --tun-static=yes , the UDP streams would be trasfered seperately.

3. If the --block-quic=yes, no matter what the --tun-static is, there won't be any QUIC streams.
190 天前
回复了 rebecca554owen 创建的主题 宽带症候群 openppp2,一个次世代组网 VPN
## Server side

1. Find a server to deploy openppp2 server

2. Connect to the server.

3. Download the openppp2 zip remotely.

4. Modify the given appsettings.json template file in the openppp2 compressed file.

1. If you have no need to use this server as SNIProxy server, please delete the "cdn" param.

2. If your server has 256MiB+ mem and disk I/O speed of 4K-blocks is not satifying, please delete the vmem param

3. If your server has more than 1 thread, you would better set the cocurrent to the thread number.

4. Set the server listening ip address

1. If you decide to use all the ip assinged to the server, please change the ip.interface and ip.public to "::"

"ip": {
"interface": "::",
"public": "::"
2. If you decide to use only one ip address, please change the the ip.interface and ip.public to the ip that you want to use.

3. In some special situations, that the public ip is assigned by route, you should change the interface to the "::" and change the public to the ip address going to be used.

4. Hate IPv6? Replace all "::" to ""

5. Set the tcp and udp port by modifying tcp.listen.port and udp.listen.port

6. Delete the whole websocket param, since the tcp connection would be secured enough facing the censorship.(Websocket connection should be used in some specific situations)

7. Set some server running params

1. server.log is the path to store the connection logs. If you hate logs, please set to "/dev/null"

2. Delete the following params in server block.


"server": {
"log": "/dev/null"


8. use `screen -S` to keep openppp2 running at backstage

9. Remenber to chmod +x !

10. Boot the server
191 天前
回复了 lanthora 创建的主题 宽带症候群 给各位汇报一下组网软件的新进展
191 天前
回复了 oldcai 创建的主题 OpenAI 挑战:通过一个问题,测试是不是 GPT4
10000 以内的正整数,有多少个包含数字 1 。
191 天前
回复了 Seeyuyu 创建的主题 VPS 墙好像开始发力,大家感受到了吗
我用 openppp2 vpn 协议。
208 天前
回复了 ironboxplus 创建的主题 OpenAI 字节的 Coze 有什么收费的消息吗
208 天前
回复了 DataPipe 创建的主题 推广 GPT-4o Claude 3 Llama3 等大模型一站式 AI 平台
@vacuitym gmail 无法注册
@macaodoll 我用国内的 AI 就是遇到 docker run 运行 xray(r)转成 docker compose 这种简单互转,回答了快结束就不见了。
212 天前
回复了 wheat0r 创建的主题 Linux 怎么装个 Linux 怎么难?
2020 年的 nvme 硬盘,新系统应该能带有驱动的。可能需要关闭 RAID 。
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