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worldsim 的美国号码不能注册账号,只能用来接打电话,英国号也是不支持(有时有效,有时无效),下面是跟客服的对话
我:the International SIM Card USA moblie number can register an googlevoice?
客服:Hi, this is Cathy to assist you.
客服:no i am sorry
我:Can't twitter do the same
客服:i am sorry US number can be used only for calling
我:The UK is ok?
客服:yes however, we do not allow our sim card to be used for any third party application
I don't understand.
客服:our sim card may not get any verification code from Twitter
客服:sometime it works sometimes it doesnot
worldsim 的$30 卡,有人要一起拼单的吗?
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