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[求贤] 坐标上海, Argo CD 创业团队 招开发者, Kubernetes 开发相关

  •   akuity230 · 2024-01-06 04:59:16 +08:00 · 1407 次点击
    这是一个创建于 430 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    The Company ( https://akuity.io)

    Akuity is a Sunnyvale, CA-based business founded by Argo co-creators Hong Wang, Jesse Suen, and Alexander Matyushentsev. The three of them were founding engineers at Applatix, which open-sourced the Argo project in 2017. After Applatix's acquisition by Intuit in 2018, Argo exploded in growth with the additions of Argo CD, Argo Rollouts, & Argo Events and was subsequently accepted as a CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) incubating project. Today, Argo has 22K+ GitHub stars, is one of the fastest growing CNCF projects with over 6,000 contributors, and is trusted by hundreds of enterprises including Adobe, Tesla, PayPal, Capital One, and Peloton to automate their application delivery on Kubernetes.

    Following Argo’s strong adoption, Akuity was formed to help companies reliably deploy Argo at scale by offering enterprise support and functionality. As of March 2022, Akuity has raised $25 million from leading technology investors, Lead Edge Capital & Decibel Partners. The business is experiencing tremendous growth and remains true to its commitment in Open Source; they will invest in what’s needed to foster the project’s growth. This includes continuing their contributions to the project, supporting users with their issues, facilitating discussions and meetings, and promoting Argo every chance they get.

    The Opportunity

    As one of the founding engineers at Akuity, you will work on actively building and continuously improving Akuity’s SaaS platform for our global developer community. We’re looking for developers who build tools with an empathic mindset and are comfortable cross collaborating with others. You know developers and how to build tools to solve their pain points. Beyond building developer-centric tools, you will mentor team members around engineering best practices, participate in product development, and help contribute to the company’s culture. This is an exciting position for someone to impact developer tools and the developer ecosystem globally.

    You Will

    • Design, build, test, and improve Akutiy’s SaaS platform. You bring your expertise and commitment to excellence to build the best developers tools for our users, partners, and customers.
    • Develop in Go on the server-side.
    • Collaborate with designers and engineers to design, implement, and deliver features that remove the headaches of infrastructure operations for our users.
    • Make sure that as our SaaS Platform rapidly grows that it will remain scalable and built with developer empathy.

    About You (Backend)

    • 5+ years experience is preferred.
    • Exceptional communication skills and a collaborative mindset with a passion for developer experience
    • A passion for working on complex technical products, particularly in the realm of SaaS, IaaS, PaaS.
    • Experience developing scalable web applications using programming languages like Go, C/C++, Java, and Python.
    • Deep knowledge of systems design, API design, and infrastructure.
    • Experience building Kubernetes controllers or operators at scale in AWS, GCP, Azure, or On-prem.
    • A genuine interest in designing a great end-to-end developer experience while using Akuity’s products.
    • A BS in Computer Science or equivalent experience.

    About You (Frontend)

    • A passion for developer experience and tooling
    • A strong background in frontend languages like JavaScript and Typescript, and exposure to developing scalable web applications.
    • Experience implementing user interfaces with React, Redux, Vue, or Angular.
    • An understanding of building seamless design patterns for UIs.
    • Experience working cross functionally with engineering colleagues to prioritize developer experience.
    • 5+ years of relevant experience (preferred).
    • A BS in Computer Science or equivalent experience.

    If you are interested, please send your resume to [email protected].

    Additonal information:

    • Location: Shanghai, China (Mix of home and office)
    • English skills is a must-have
    • OSS experience is preferred

    If you are curious about the tech stack, you can browse code here - https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/

    4 条回复    2024-01-13 20:20:06 +08:00
       2024-01-06 09:18:57 +08:00
       2024-01-06 12:42:21 +08:00   ❤️ 1
    @Cola98 整个团队会中文的人很少,要求可以英语工作交流
       2024-01-08 14:53:39 +08:00
    个人观点,argocd 的这个定价 600 刀每月真不低,企业版国内市场估计是没有,长远看如果没有新功能加持收益很难。但能在国内招人还是支持下
       2024-01-13 20:20:06 +08:00
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