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V2EX  ›  酷工作

FunPlus 持续招聘 PHP、C++、Unity3d、Architect,小伙伴们还等什么呢?

  •   june2012 · 2014-03-12 13:42:29 +08:00 · 3240 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3986 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    简历邮箱: [email protected]

    关于 FunPlus 你可能感兴趣的几个问题:
    1. 关于趣加游戏:
    咦,好像没听过哇!公司怎么样?公司是外资公司,规模目前将近 300 人,主要做移动游戏和社交游戏。一直做海外市场,同时国内宣传又比较少、很低调,所以你可能听得少啦!11 年 11 月,趣加游戏 A 轮融资刷新社交游戏融资记录。公司发展很快,公司里的人谦和,氛围好。

    2. 关于项目:



    HRBP 年薪:15w – 30w
    Acting as a window or link between the company and people, providing first line support to employees and managers on human resources issues related to performance management, career development, benefit, company policies & procedures
    Being responsible to employee handbook revision and interpretation
    Resolving employee relations issues and ensuring proper solution in dealing with employee complaints, conflicts management, and investigations
    Facilitate and conduct new hire orientations; Interact with cross function teams to arrange logistics for employee's first day appropriate resources. Process all related paperwork
    Manage termination process in conducting exit interviews and writing exit interview feedback. Provide valuable findings in serving the company and people to avoid risk and loss
    Strategize with managers to implement HR initiatives designed to improve organizational performance. Design or revise the performance evaluation form in line with the strategic changing in different developing period
    Assist in the development of HR policies in order to satisfy legal requirements, cost containments, and work environments consistent with FunPlus’ core values
    Conduct presentations and facilitate training on HR related topics at our Leadership Club, departmental meetings and other forums

    Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Human Resources or a related field
    Typically 5-8 years related HR experience, Fluent in English.
    Must have experience in handling multiple projects simultaneously and working in an environment which requires flexibility, innovation, superb customer service skills and organization
    Strong ability to identify the difficulties and down-to-earth altitude to solve the problems independently
    Enjoy a start-up environment; ready to grow with the company
    Win-win mindset and a mature team player
    Must have solid written and verbal communication skills
    The experience of working with global teams or expatriate employee management will be a plus.

    PHP高级工程师 年薪:15w – 30w

    架构师年薪:30w – 60w
    1. 开发游戏后台逻辑和游戏相关模块;
    2. 协调前端Flash工程师完成相关游戏通讯功能;
    3. 在游戏工作室负责发布游戏和保证游戏性能等;
    3.常用环境搭建,如:apache、php frameworks、 mysql、nginx、memcache等,和其相关的参数设置和性能优化;

    Unity3D Senior Engineer/lead年薪:20w – 50w
    - Design and development of *Best in Class* mobile social gaming products
    - Problem solver of key technical issues.
    - Focus on performance monitoring, tuning and optimization.
    - Lead the effort in improving team’s technical depth and efficiency.

    - Strong expertise in iOS or Android development.
    - Demonstrated design, development, coding, and testing of mobile applications on the Iphone and Android platform with a portfolio of mobile apps on the iPhone and Android
    - Strong expertise in Unity3D; Experts in C#; familiar with Cocos2d-x is a strong plus.
    - Excellent team work skills; ability to identify and solve key problems creatively with minimal guidance.
    - 5+ years of professional software development experience; 2+ years hands-on experience in mobile development.
    - Excellent software design, coding, and unit testing skills.
    - Strong analytical and technical problem solving skills.
    - Fluent in spoken and written English.

    C++ Mobile Tech lead 年薪:30w – 50w
    - Design and development of *Best in Class* mobile social gaming products
    - Problem solver of key technical issues.
    - Focus on performance monitoring, tuning and optimization.
    - Lead the effort in improving team’s technical depth and efficiency.
    - Lean on technical discussions and key technical decisions.

    - Strong expertise in iOS or Android development.
    - Demonstrated design, development, coding, and testing of mobile applications on the iPhone and Android platform with a portfolio of mobile apps on the iPhone and Android
    - Strong expertise in C++ and/or Object-C; familiar with Cocos2d or Cocos2d-x is a strong plus; familiar with Lua is a plus
    - Excellent team work skills; ability to identify and solve key problems creatively with minimal guidance.
    - 5+ years of professional software development experience; 2+ years hands-on experience in mobile development.
    - Excellent software design, coding, and unit testing skills
    - Strong analytical and technical problem solving skills.
    - Fluent in spoken and written English
    - Position is based in bay area or Beijing

    C++ Mobile Senior Engineer 年薪:20w - 30w
    1. Design and develop Mobile game on IOS and Android.
    2. Design, develop and test function requirements based on project plan.
    3. Commit high quality code base on time.
    4. Rules making of code and document style.
    5. New technology research to support product design and development.

    1. Great passion on making game.
    2. Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or equivalent.
    3. Solid programming skills of C/C++,Objc and Java experience is a plus.
    4. Strong practical experience on OO design and system implementation.
    5.3years c++ client development experience or 2 years mobile client devel
    opment experience.
    6. Game development experience is a big plus.
    7. IOS and android development experience is a big plus .
    1 条回复    1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00
       2014-03-12 17:07:27 +08:00
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