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gpt-4o 对文本提问,有关排序的回答有问题,不如 claude 3.5 sonnet, 有 v 友知道原因吗?

  •   scalaer · 185 天前 · 1258 次点击
    这是一个创建于 185 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    对文本进行 top n 提问, 提问: what are the top 3 aptitudes I would need to excel as an RSA?

    gpt-4o 对 score 排序有问题,claude 是正常的,各位知道原因吗?

    gpt-4o 的回复

    Interpersonal Skills (Score: 10):
    This is the most crucial aptitude because strong interpersonal skills enable you to build rapport with customers, understand their needs, and provide excellent service. Good interpersonal skills also help in handling difficult or rude customers with patience and professionalism.
    Verbal Ability and Communication Skills (Score: 9):
    Effective communication is essential for interacting with customers, explaining products, answering questions, and ensuring a positive shopping experience. Being able to clearly and confidently communicate can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and drive sales.
    Organizational Skills (Score: 7):
    Good organizational skills are important for managing inventory, keeping the store tidy, setting up displays, and ensuring efficient operations. Being organized helps in maintaining a well-run store, which can improve both customer experience and sales performance.

    claude 是正常的:

    - Interpersonal Skills (score: 10)
    Strong interpersonal skills are essential for building rapport with customers and ensuring a positive shopping experience. This is the highest-rated aptitude for an RSA.
    - Verbal Ability and Communication Skills (score: 9)
    Effective communication is crucial for interacting with customers, understanding their needs, and providing excellent service.
    - Physical and Manual Skills (score: 8)
    The job often requires standing for long periods, moving stock, and other physical tasks, making physical and manual skills important.


    Job Role: Retail Sales Associate
    Sector: Retail
    Sub-Sector: Sales
    College Category: Non-College
    Job Location: India
    Job Profile:
    - General Description: A Retail Sales Associate is responsible for assisting customers in a retail environment, helping them find products, answering their questions, and ensuring a positive shopping experience. This role exists across multiple sectors including fashion, electronics, groceries, and home goods. They also handle transactions, manage inventory, and maintain the cleanliness and organization of the store. Retail Sales Associates often work under the supervision of a store manager and are key to driving sales and customer satisfaction. This role requires good communication skills, patience, and a customer-oriented mindset.
    - Day in the Life: A typical day for a Retail Sales Associate starts with preparing the store for opening, which includes organizing products, checking inventory, and ensuring the store is clean. Throughout the day, they greet customers, assist them in finding products, provide information about items, and handle transactions at the checkout counter. They may also be responsible for restocking shelves, setting up displays, and handling customer complaints or returns. During quieter periods, they might update inventory records or assist with store promotions. The day usually ends with closing procedures, such as counting the cash register, tidying up the store, and preparing for the next day.
    - Reasons Liked:
      * Opportunity to interact with a variety of people and build customer service skills.
      * Dynamic and fast-paced work environment keeps the job interesting.
      * Potential for flexible working hours, which can be ideal for students or part-time workers.
      * Employee discounts on store products can be a valuable perk.
      * Opportunities for career advancement within the retail sector, such as moving into supervisory or managerial roles.
    - Reasons Disliked:
      * Long hours on your feet can be physically demanding.
      * Dealing with difficult or rude customers can be stressful.
      * Work schedules may include evenings, weekends, and holidays, which can affect work-life balance.
      * The job can be repetitive and monotonous at times.
      * Wages for entry-level positions may be relatively low compared to other sectors.
    - Typical Employers by Size:
      * Small (Tier 3, Tier 4 and Rural): Local shops, family-owned businesses, and small independent retailers. These employers often have a close-knit working environment and may offer more personalized customer service.
      * Medium (Tier 2 and Tier 3): Regional retail chains, franchise stores, and medium-sized businesses. These employers may offer more structured training programs and opportunities for advancement compared to smaller employers.
      * Large (Tier 1 and Tier 2): National and international retail chains, large department stores, and major e-commerce companies with physical stores. These employers typically offer comprehensive benefits, formal training programs, and clear career progression paths.
    Trainings Needed:
    **Training Needed**
    Students often take short-term certificate programs in retail management or sales. These programs teach customer service, sales techniques, and basic business skills. Some students also take online courses in communication and teamwork.
    **Prior Work Experience**
    Many students gain experience through part-time jobs in retail stores or internships. Volunteering in school events or community programs can also help. This experience teaches them how to interact with customers and handle sales transactions.
    Aptitude Ratings:
    - Logical Reasoning and Analytical Skills, score: 6
      Reason: Retail Sales Associates need to solve customer issues and make quick decisions, but the job does not heavily rely on complex logical reasoning or analytical tasks.
    - Verbal Ability and Communication Skills, score: 9
      Reason: Effective communication is crucial for interacting with customers, understanding their needs, and providing excellent service.
    - Numerical Aptitude, score: 5
      Reason: Basic numerical skills are required for handling transactions and managing inventory, but advanced numerical aptitude is not essential.
    - Creative Thinking and Innovation, score: 4
      Reason: While some creativity can help in visual merchandising and problem-solving, the role does not primarily focus on creative tasks.
    - Spatial Awareness, score: 3
      Reason: Spatial awareness is not a significant requirement for this role, although it can be helpful in organizing displays and stock.
    - Interpersonal Skills, score: 10
      Reason: Strong interpersonal skills are essential for building rapport with customers and ensuring a positive shopping experience.
    - Technical Proficiency, score: 4
      Reason: Basic technical skills may be needed for operating point-of-sale systems, but advanced technical proficiency is not required.
    - Organizational Skills, score: 7
      Reason: Good organizational skills are important for managing inventory, keeping the store tidy, and ensuring efficient operations.
    - Entrepreneurial Skills, score: 3
      Reason: The role typically does not involve entrepreneurial tasks, although a proactive attitude can be beneficial.
    - Physical and Manual Skills, score: 8
      Reason: The job often requires standing for long periods, moving stock, and other physical tasks, making physical and manual skills important.
    5 条回复    2024-07-31 12:57:12 +08:00
       185 天前
    google gemini 也有问题,和 gpt-4o 类似
       185 天前 via iPhone   ❤️ 2
    就不能因为 claude 3.5 sonnet 本身就强吗
       185 天前
    试了几家国产的,deepseek-coder 也能答对
       185 天前
    目前尝试下来, claude 3.5 是最好的. gpt 再不更新,就落后了哦. 已经取消订阅之
       185 天前
    @yzding @Richardhtw @leoipod 可以从 prompt 层面分析一些原因吗?
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