titanium98118 147 天前 1
r5c ImmortalWrt 23.05.0-rc1 mwan3 ,距上次重启 50 天
没遇到你的问题,wan1 wan2 进站正常 |
microka OP @titanium98118 我 wan1 wan3 是同个光猫出来的,wan1 用 ImmortalWrt 拨号,wan3 试过用 ImmortalWrt 或者光猫拨号,都有这问题,x86 换回 ImmortalWrt 21.02.7 就没问题。折腾得心好累😂
microka OP @titanium98118 尴尬,我刚 21.02.7 也遇到同样问题了,过一会儿又恢复正常,我再好好排查下吧 😂
htfcuddles 147 天前
ImmortalWrt 23.05.0-rc3 mwan3 wtih fw4 运行挺久了,没遇到你说的问题,把 debug 信息贴出来看看
htfcuddles 146 天前 1
另外,入站一般不需要配置的,mwan3 的默认规则里有针对来源接口的路由,建议你看看 wiki:
1. Restore mark if previous set. If successful marked, goto step 5. 2. Check if the packet arrives on a wan interface. If originated from a local connected ip network, then mark packet with default iface_id. If the packet is from another (non-local) network and arrives on wan interface, then mark it with iface_id. If successful marked, goto step 5. 3. Check if packet destined for a known ip network (has a route for it other than default). If so then mark packet with default iface_id and goto step 5. 4. Check if packet source address is that of a wan interface. If so use that wan interface for routing regardless of user defined rules and mark packet with iface_id of corresponding wan. 5. Apply user rules and mark with configured iface_id. If no match leave unmarked. 6. If marked then save mark. |
htfcuddles 146 天前 1
第 3 第 4 条就是入站来源的路由:
Output of "ip -4 rule show" ------------------------------------------------- 0: from all lookup local 1000: from all fwmark 0x162 lookup 354 1001: from all iif pppoe-wan1 lookup 1 1002: from all iif pppoe-wan2 lookup 2 2001: from all fwmark 0x100/0x3f00 lookup 1 2002: from all fwmark 0x200/0x3f00 lookup 2 2061: from all fwmark 0x3d00/0x3f00 blackhole 2062: from all fwmark 0x3e00/0x3f00 unreachable 3001: from all fwmark 0x100/0x3f00 unreachable 3002: from all fwmark 0x200/0x3f00 unreachable 32766: from all lookup main 32767: from all lookup default |
htfcuddles 146 天前 1
mwan3 是用 policy routing 基于 fwmark 分流的,mangle 表里有相应规则。一个常见的问题是如果有其他插件设置了 fwmark ,需要改默认的 fwmask (#6 的 0x3f00 ),如果这个插件不支持 fwmask 那就是不兼容。openclash 就有这个问题,fw4 的处理有问题,需要魔改一下脚本
microka OP @htfcuddles mwan3 入站确实不需要怎么配置,我这也没装其他分流插件,我再折腾下,有需要再向您请教,感谢~
onetown 146 天前 1
源进源出很简单的, 就是为某个 wan 设置一个单独的路由表, 例如我电信的地址是 , 网关 , 我们需要
路由表: ip r a default via table 2 pbr: ip rule add to lookup 2 这样你就可以随便从哪里访问 了 |