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Cryptape 远程职位招聘: Blockchain/Rust Software Engineer

  •   juliehuang1005 · 90 天前 · 1603 次点击
    这是一个创建于 90 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    About Cryptape

    Cryptape is a leading company dedicated to advancing blockchain technology, focused on the development of the Nervos CKB and key technologies within its ecosystem. We firmly believe in the power of decentralization and drive global blockchain industry growth through continuous technological innovation. We are looking for passionate individuals eager to grow in blockchain technology to join our core team and explore the challenges within the Nervos CKB ecosystem.

    Job Description

    As a CKB Apprentice, you will join our core team and directly participate in the core technology development and optimization of the Nervos CKB (Common Knowledge Base) . Through our training and apprentice program, you will receive in-depth training in blockchain core technologies, smart contract development, and related fields. You will work under the guidance of senior developers, participating in real-world projects and problem-solving tasks. You will have the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of blockchain protocol operations and accumulate valuable technical experience.

    Key Responsibilities

    • Learn and deeply understand the architecture of Nervos CKB, consensus mechanisms, and their relationship with blockchain technology
    • Assist in the development and optimization of Nervos CKB, addressing technical challenges
    • Participate in team technical discussions and code reviews to enhance technical skills
    • Complete assigned tasks in projects and make improvements based on feedback
    • Contribute to technical documentation and knowledge-sharing activities within the team
    • Propose your technical insights and participate in innovative practices


    • 2+ years experience in the software development field.
    • Strong interest in blockchain technology and a basic understanding of blockchain principles
    • Proficiency in at least one system programming language (Rust, C++, etc. preferred)
    • Solid foundation in programming, data structures, and algorithms
    • Good reading comprehension of English technical documents
    • Strong communication skills and the ability to collaborate with team members to solve problems
    • High self-motivation and learning ability to work independently with minimal supervision

    Preferred Qualifications

    • Previous involvement in open-source projects, demonstrating a commitment to collaborative development.
    • Knowledge of cryptography and security protocols relevant to blockchain technology, enhancing the security of the Nervos CKB ecosystem.
    • Experience in lower-level computer systems, computer architecture, or embedded systems, contributing to the optimization of Nervos CKB performance.
    • Experience with projects involving handwritten assembly languages, providing insights into low-level optimization techniques.
    • Strong background in operating systems and compilers, with proficient use of Linux.
    • Previous experience as a maintainer of open-source libraries in esoteric languages, showcasing a diverse skill set and commitment to community-driven development.

    What We Offer

    • Comprehensive blockchain technology training and one-on-one mentorship
    • Ongoing career development opportunities and potential for advancement
    • The opportunity to work on cutting-edge blockchain technology development
    • Flexible working hours with remote work options
    • A collaborative and supportive team environment with opportunities for cross-team engagement

    How to Apply

    If you are passionate about blockchain technology and eager to grow in the development of the Nervos CKB, please send your resume and a cover letter to [email protected], briefly introducing your interests and background.

    6 条回复    2024-12-24 16:23:52 +08:00
       90 天前
       88 天前
    @shylockhg 首先不在国内,另外我们主要是做技术基础设施研发。
       88 天前
    @juliehuang1005 密猿不在杭州么
       85 天前 via iPad
       85 天前 via Android
       69 天前
    @some2 ⛽️感谢
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