Ghouler 31 天前 via Android
esim 很多国内都可以正常用,redteago 这种,但是感觉短期用用差不多
MacsedProtoss 31 天前 via iPhone
esim 长期在国内的话就买中资的 hk 运营商(香港移动/香港联通/香港电信)在国内漫游 价格属于可接受的范围 以上说的是接打电话和 sms
如果是漫游流量那也有很多选择 |
ysxb1145 30 天前 via Android
@MacsedProtoss 漫游不用流量还有啥意义
MacsedProtoss 30 天前 via iPhone
@ysxb1145 其实接打电话需求或许是更高的 只是翻墙的话替代品太多了吧
真的在境外生活的应该可以体会我在说啥 |
forQ 30 天前
dufldylan1 30 天前
esim ?当然是在国内留一张外国卡
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chanChristin 30 天前 via iPhone
没啥好玩的,国外的 esim 在国内就接个验证码用一用,想用流量比国内的套餐贵多了,现在手持两台单 sim+esim 的机器,有点难受
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eternityz 30 天前
神奇,我的 iPhone 14 Pro 曾经遇到了极为相似的问题
Issue: - Customer reports device overheats when using both wired and MagSafe charging - device also has cellular connectivity issues, where it will appear as ‘Searching’ - customer reports cellular issue occurs after device starts overheating, on charge, and being used for personal hotspot - issue occurs with both eSim and physical SIM card Steps to Reproduce: - ran Mobile resource inspector passed, software is up to date - ran cellular rf test passed - ran cellular voice and results show issue could be caused by network issues with carrier, or low cellular coverage in environment, 14 day summary shows 1% not in service - issue was reproduced in store after device was put on charge, using 5G, personal hotspot activated, customer was taking photos, and ‘No Service’ came up for 5 minutes, following that the device switched to 4G and after a minute it switched to 5G - performed restore on device and set up as new. Tested out same conditions, with phone being on charge, with customer’s e-sim using personal hotspot, taking photos with device. Tested out with known good SIM card with same conditions, and issue persists with the same pattern Cosmetic Condition: - display has screen protector no notable damage - rear no notable damage - Liquid contact indicator not triggered - security screws intact - front camera no notable damage - rear camera no notable damage Proposed Resolution: - proposed to do rear system repair on device at no cost covered by warranty - customer has backup through iCloud and will reactive his eSim if needed |
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zhaidoudou123 30 天前
radishzz OP @eternityz 我感觉是 iPhone 的调制调解器存在良品率问题,所以才会偶发这种基带/热点问题,小红书上这类帖子有不少。这个问题很容易被“信号差”的表象所掩盖,而且还可能随机抽风,突然就恢复正常了,跑检测也查不出来,如果不能像我这样,在售后现场稳定复现这个问题,估计是很难同意给维修了。
过阵子 se4 要出了,据说换上了自研 5G 调制调解器,不知道能不能行,不太看好的样子🙉 |
radishzz OP @zhaidoudou123 这么好,我问了店员说不行,除非回内地或者香港维修才是国行
radishzz OP 之前没接触过 esim ,我问的玩法是指保号、免实名、临机接码等,不包括漫游流量(太贵),例如:
1 、giffgaff 零月租保号卡可以转 esim 吗,还是说必须得是物理 sim 卡? 2 、有没有免实名的香港 esim ,可以代替 +86 的保号卡? 3 、因为担心某些服务会不会要求必须 +86 号码?例如银行?或者最近的 deepseek 。 4 、有没有像“临时邮箱”“临时接码”类似的 esim 服务? 或者还有没有其它玩法,希望能得到各位大佬的解答 |
Anngu 30 天前
Lebara 不是还没支持 esim 吗?
Suzutan 30 天前
radishzz OP @Anngu 我又去看了一下,md 我看的好像是假的 lebara 网站 https://support.lebara.ch/en/Zx9ywBEAACAAFj66-using-esim ,正经官网 www.lebara.com 确实写的不支持 esim
VinliamCao 30 天前 ![]() @radishzz #12 对问题 1 的回答:可以!!!我 24 年 10 月转成 esim 了,改收码还是收码,使用和物理卡没区别。