求教一下大神们,为什么我使用 ctrl+Q 快捷键调用函数的说明文档,跟使用 print(函数名称.__doc__)输出的内容会不一样?
比如我要查看 cv2.namedWindow 的说明文档,使用 ctrl+Q 的结果:
def namedWindow(winname: str,
flags: int = ...) ->
而使用 print(cv2.namedWindow.__doc__),就能输出完整的函数说明文档:
namedWindow(winname[, flags]) -> None
. @
brief Creates a window.
. The function namedWindow creates a window that can be used as a placeholder for images and
. trackbars. Created windows are referred to by their names.
. If a window with the same name already exists, the function does nothing.
. You can call cv::destroyWindow or cv::destroyAllWindows to close the window and de-allocate any associated
同一个函数,在 jupyter 工具下是可以通过快捷键直接调用完整的说明文档,但在 pycharm 中暂时没有找到办法。