这是一个创建于 5066 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
For instance:
- Drag Instapaper 'Read it later' to bookmarks bar.
- Right-click Ominbox, choose 'Edit search engines'.
- Type a name whatever you want on 'Add a new search engine' field.
- Add 'Keyword'. (NOTE: The keyword will to be your customer shortcut, choose wise. :D)
- Then open 'Bookmark Manager'. Copy 'Read it later' URL to 'URL with %s in place of query' field.
- Delete 'Read it later'.
Just type your customer shortcut on Ominbox, then the page you current stay will be saved to Instapaper. You can also add customer shortcut to your most visited page. :D