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[北京]Web Back-end 开发工程师和 IOS

  •   nalanduanmu · 2014-08-19 19:53:25 +08:00 · 2287 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3696 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    [北京] APP Annie 招 Python 开发攻城狮

    [公司介绍] :APP Annie公司目前主要针对Ios和Android平台应用和游戏以及广告做全球数据分析。在针对APP store全球数据分析领域占据领先地位。 APP Annie于2010年3月上线,允许应用开发者和发行商追踪APP Store中应用的销售额、下载量、排名和评论。 APP Annie 拥有100,000+ 的APPs分析使用者 APP Annie 拥有80%的排名前100的IOS开发商 APP Annie 拥有每天639,199次的 iOS APPs 排名追踪 APP Annie公司拥有Open的北欧外企文化,公司现在处于迅速扩张期。加入团队可以获得有竞争性的薪酬、完善的福利、最新式的苹果电脑和苹果手机以及公司的股票期权计划。

    [工作地点] :北京•朝阳•三里屯

    [薪资结构] :Base + Bonus + Allowance + Stock Option(同等条件下,他会比baidu和tencent的薪水高)

    [公司福利] :周一到周五免费午饭晚饭,零食饮料小吃随便吃,6险1金。带薪年假:16天。上班就发苹果笔记本,过试用期发一个最新的苹果手机。现在去上班的,过了试用期就直接拿iPhone5了。

    [上班时间] :一般早上十点,十点半来上班,晚上7点以后就没人了。

    [公司规模] :目前有200+个人左右,北京是研发总部,大概100++,员工来自14~15个国家,公司一半以上都是老外


    You should be a software engineer with a proven experience in backend and/or front-end system implementation
    • 2+ years software development experience
    • Passionate about and good understanding of development methodologies such as XP, Scrum and RUP.
    • Knowledge of Linux
    • Good working knowledge of at least 2 of the following topics:
    • Programming language such as Java, PHP, Ruby or C#. Python is a big plus
    • Object-oriented analysis
    • Front End technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery
    • Web development framework knowledge such as Django, Ruby on Rails, Yii…
    • Experience with Relational Database and SQL programming
    • Experience in Statistics and Data mining is a big plus
    • High performance computing: in-memory database-cashing, cloud computing, optimization techniques, cluster management, etc. is a big plus
    • Completion of Bachelor's level degree program in Computer Science or Mathematics.
    • Good English spoken and written skills. You will need to be able to work with Western managers in a bilingual environment.


    有兴趣的童鞋可以发英文简历到Aaliyah#iterget.com(2年以上开发经验,不符合就不回邮件了哈),或者加扣扣咨询:180 158 6730
    1 条回复    2014-08-20 14:31:46 +08:00
       2014-08-20 14:31:46 +08:00
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