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[上海]Wiredcraft 招聘前端/CSS+HTML 设计师

  •   Clairesheng · 2014-11-13 11:57:28 +08:00 · 2674 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3610 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    -一台Macbook Air和外接显示器;
    -Wii U和一大把游戏 ;
    -免费的零食和饮料 ;

    一句话概括,[Wiredcraft](http://wiredcraft.com) 使用各种开源技术制作基于 Web 及移动平台的应用程序。

    我们专注于解决实际问题,如制作高负载网站、制作移动平台API、海量数据的分析和呈现等等;并且涉猎许多领域(http://wiredcraft.com/#services),如性能优化、用户界面与体验、多语种及移动平台支持、第三方API整合等等。我们精通许多技术如 NGINX, Python, jQuery, Solr, Sphinx, Puppet, Android, node.js等等。

    我们是一个年轻的公司,团队成员来自于法国,美国,英国,芬兰,荷兰,当然还有中国。但已拥有很多著名客户,如 CNN, the United Nations, IFES, PopCap Games, Nvidia, 及其它一些非政府组织(NGO)和美国政府机构等等。与此同时,我们还在钻研开发自己的产品(http://devo.ps or http://octokan.com)。

    -You're smart and passionate about technology. We work a lot with data, infrastructure, APIs, the Web and mobile, but we welcome all kind of profiles (one of us used to be a fireman).
    -You're at ease building interactive Web front-ends using HTML5, CSS and Javascript. Our team uses AngularJS, Grunt.js, bower and the latest tools. We're more than happy to teach you.
    -Bonus point if you've participated in Open Source projects.

    -Working with the product manager to design and implement UI and UX.
    -Experiment and investigate new technologies to find what works for our team.
    -Ship code. That includes helping our team focusing on delivering and away from procrastinating.
    -Contribute to Open Source.

    2. 职位二:

    -Strong UI & UX skills. You don't just make things pretty but do so with meaning to reach a goal.
    -Solid design chops, especially colors and typography. We favour simple and clean interfaces.
    -Strong understanding of technology especially HTML, CSS and JS
    -Bonus point if you've participated in Open Source projects.

    -Working with the product manager, design and the technical team, your responsibilities would include:
    -Drafting user experiences and assisting engineers and product staff in building applications workflows (Web & mobile).
    -Integrating interfaces for both Web and mobile products and platforms.
    -Integrating new products brands: logo, colors...
    -Developing and integrating collaterals for marketing: newsletter, illustrations...

    现在就把你的Github账号寄到[email protected]或直接在Twitter和新浪微博上@我们吧!
    2 条回复    2014-11-23 22:45:28 +08:00
       2014-11-14 01:32:45 +08:00 via iPhone
       2014-11-23 22:45:28 +08:00   ❤️ 1
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