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Black Friday: Prizmo 3, Prizmo 4, Hydra Express/Pro, Morph Age, Elasty.

  •   netalpha · 2014-11-27 20:21:27 +08:00 · 2411 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3511 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    我用的Prizmo, 是我见过ocr做的最好的。


    The following apps are at 50% off:

    * The brand new Prizmo 3 for OS X Yosemite (USD24.99 - 21,99€ - 50% off) is a scanning application with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) in over 40 languages with powerful editing capability, text-to-speech, and iCloud support. Prizmo now also supports Handoff, and is available as an extension from other apps.

    * Prizmo 4 for iOS 8 (USD4.99 - 4,49€ - 50% off) is the most feature-rich document scanner app on the App Store. It now offers Handoff support, iOS 8 Documents support, and is also available as an extension from the Photos app, and from other apps.

    * Hydra Express (USD19.99 - 17,99€ - 50% off) and Hydra Pro (USD39.99 - 35,99€ - 50% off). It's the right time if you want to give HDR photography a try.

    * Morph Age (USD24.99 - 21,99€ - 50% off) for creating great animations showing how an image transforms into another one.

    * Elasty (USD24.99 - 21,99€ - 50% off), the Movie Toolbox for your Mac, including stabilization, special effects and retiming features.
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