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We’re in the process of updating our backup system and we wanted to give you a heads up about some changes you’ll be seeing.
You may have noticed that, though the cost for backups has always been 20% of your Droplet usage, you’ve never actually been charged. Don’t worry, we’re not coming to collect for past backups now. So far, we’ve been happy to offer backups, free of charge.
Starting in February, however, you will begin to see charges for backups on your monthly invoice. Backups will now happen on a weekly basis, with at least four backups occurring per month. You'll only be charged for a maximum of four backups in any given month and you'll never be charged for backups that fail to happen. Payment for backups occurring in February will be due on March 1st, and so forth.
We'll provide you with a scheduled window each week in which your backup will occur. This information will always be available in both the control panel and the API.