这是一个创建于 3627 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
Lock Screen
Available for: iPhone 4s and later,
iPod touch (5th generation) and later, iPad 2 and later
Impact: An attacker in possession of a device may prevent erasing
the device after failed passcode attempts
Description: In some circumstances, a device might not erase itself
after failed passcode attempts. This issue was addressed through
additional enforcement of erasure.
Lock Screen
Available for: iPhone 4s and later,
iPod touch (5th generation) and later, iPad 2 and later
Impact: An attacker in possession of a device may exceed the maximum
number of failed passcode attempts
Description: In some circumstances, the failed passcode attempt
limit was not enforced. This issue was addressed through additional
enforcement of this limit.
以上两点是否与前段时间讨论的 “通过设备来突破 iPhone 锁屏密码尝试次数或阻止 iPhone 擦除用户数据” 有关?
1 条回复 • 2015-04-09 09:41:36 +08:00