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apple id 怎么设置二步验证

  •   holinhot · 2015-09-16 16:25:07 +08:00 · 1906 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3306 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Manage your security settings.
    Two-Step Verification.

    Come back after 08:19 AM on September 19, 2015 (GMT ) to set up two-step verification. More information.
    我刚登录去启用了 可以也没提示输入我的手机号码和验证码啊
    Dear Menglin He,
    This email is to confirm that you recently attempted to set up two-step verification for your Apple ID (l •••••@icloud.com ).
    For security reasons, you must wait until September 19, 2015 at 8:19:17 AM (GMT ) before you can begin using two-step verification. You can sign in to Apple ID after this time to complete the set up process. For more information, read the FAQ.
    If you did not personally attempt to set up two-step verification or if you believe an unauthorized person has accessed your account, please reset your account password immediately by going to Apple ID.
    For your security, this automated message has been sent to all of the email addresses on file in your account.
    If you need additional help, visit Apple Support.
    Apple Support

    2 条回复    2015-09-16 17:16:14 +08:00
       2015-09-16 17:10:36 +08:00
    Apple ID 的两步验证不是立即设置的,是要三天后
    时间到了会往你的 Apple ID 邮箱里发信提醒,这个时候会设置短信之类的验证方法
       2015-09-16 17:16:14 +08:00
    @misink soga
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