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埃森哲招募 IT planning 顾问偏战略

  •   greatacn · 2015-10-13 10:58:38 +08:00 · 1813 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3279 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    埃森哲招募 IT planning 顾问,需要 3 左右年相关工作经验,简历请于当天 10.13 尽快发送至 [email protected] ,要求如下

    Job title
    IT Planning Consultant
    Job Responsibilities
    Responsibilities include:
    l   Act as trust IT advisor for key stakeholders
    l   Based on Enterprise business grow strategy and industry trend, Understand and Analyze enterprise IT as-is, identify the gap and figure the future direction
    l   Set up client IT future vision to support short-term and long term client business grow strategy
    l   Design enterprise future IT blueprint, include application architecture, information architecture, technology architecture and IT governance
    l   Identify and priorities project, design transformation roadmap and estimate the budget
    l   Conduct presentation, training and workshops as needed
    l   Other works as project needed
    Job Requirements (skills/experiences)
    Qualification for this position:
    l   Have involved at least one Enterprise IT Planning and related project is a must,
    l   Strong enterprise architecture knowledge and experience on architect design is a must (e.g. Business architecture, Application Architecture, Information Architecture, Technology Architecture, IT government)
    l   Understanding IT Technology trend and usability is must, e.g. Cloud, Big data, IOT, Mobility, Internet+
    l   Have experience in global leading consulting company or global IT vendor
    l   Extend experience on enterprise core application(e.g CRM, ERP, SCM) deliver is preferred
    l   Extend knowledge on resource chemical industry business is preferred
    l   Strong communication, presentation and documentation skill, able to work independently
    l   Strong problem analysis and resolution skills
    l   Good team player
    l   Good communication skills in both Mandarin and English
    l   Flexibility to travel

       2015-10-15 14:23:02 +08:00 via Android
    just mark
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