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[Anywhere] Aivvy 邀请 Full-Stack Web Developer 加入

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  •   AivvyHR · 2015-12-02 14:10:31 +08:00 · 2079 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3225 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    只需指尖的 one touch, 就应置身于你喜欢的音乐情景。

    这是我们正在做的事情:制造全球首款物联网音乐设备 Aivvy Headphones 。我们希望让音乐人的大脑,云端,每个人的耳朵,以一部智能设备轻松联通,重塑人们的音乐体验。

    我们是 Aivvy, 来自硅谷的科技初创团队。我们的成员来自 Google, Sony, Intel, Motorola 等公司,和来自 Audio engineering, Cloud computing, Machine intelligence and Hardware design 等领域, 有多年的行业经验。不过我们也坚持 Result-oriented ,用作品说话。
    Aivvy 的第一代产品, Aivvy Headphones 在今年 3 月已在 Kickstater 成功众筹,量产产品将在明年全球发售。

    不必一定从全职开始, 也不用拘泥于物理距离。 你只需要一台电脑,只要你对以下角色感兴趣,就可以和我们一起行动起来。

    Full-Stack Web Developer (Full-time/Contractor)

    We are looking for a passionate, self-motivated full stack engineer to work with us in developing the website for Aivvy and the eCommerce website (webstore) for Aivvy ’ s products & services. Your responsibility will be developing (front-end and back-end) an integrated website with basic eCommerce functions, marketing modules and system integrations.


    • A proven record of amazing web-based products speaks for itself.
    • Have desire to create extraordinary web experiences by writing well-factored, elegant code.
    • Experience with JavaScript, CSS and semantic HTML and have strong debugging abilities across all major browsers.
    • Experience in PHP, NoSQL and SQL technologies.
    • You understand the value of test coverage.
    • You worked efficiently in large JavaScript codebases and know how to keep the code modular and loosely coupled.
    • You are passionate about software design patterns and practices that tame the complexities of building, maintaining and testing Javascript-heavy single page web applications.
    • Good spoken and written English.


    • Knowledge of eCommerce related systems including shopping cart solutions, SCM, CRM, payments, user management, marketing related systems, etc.
    • Be familiar with popular e-Commerce suites, e.g. Shopify, Magento, Demandware, etc.
    • Experience with eCommerce platform development and eCommerce website implementations a plus
    • Knowledge of Python
    • Experience deploying and running platforms on AWS
    • Experience with credit card processing gateway integration, Amazon sellers central integration, and/or mobile commerce web-based solutions a plus

    If you don't meet some of the above requirements but you are confident of your expertise and learning skills, don't hesitate to contact us!

    How we work

    • Open: We believe in Sharism and the power of team-work.
    • Agile: We keep learning and improving. We deliver fast and quickly with agile development methodology and tools.
    • Deliver: We get the right things done, and do them correctly. We solve hard problems and build elegant solutions.

    What we will prepare for you

    • Don't follow fixed working hours.
    • Be ready to expand your skill set – We support you to participate in online MOOC for educational and professional goals.
    • Make friends with different backgrounds – You will work with team members stationed around the world to build a better culture and product.
    • Don't worry about food – Fresh fruit, snacks and drinks are available anytime in our offices.

    Working Place

    • Hong Kong? Shenzhen? The cloud? Or Mars? You decide!
    • If you choose Hong Kong, our office is equipped with standing desks for your work and health, and beanbags for your nap. The office is located in Hong Kong Science Park with gym services, swimming pool, seaside, cycling trail, parking space, live music, and more!

    More about us and our product: http://aivvy.com

    Please contact [email protected] with your Position and Name in subject, and also please attach your CV, previous works/portfolio, github/linkedin profile if any and current and expected salary.

    Looking forward to meeting you!

    More Positions

    2 条回复    2015-12-03 23:30:04 +08:00
       2015-12-03 14:46:55 +08:00
    Cool work, remotely!!!

    But I am focusing on Java now,


    I have worked remotely for 5 years.
       2015-12-03 23:30:04 +08:00
    @hantsy Sounds good! Let's have a chat in mail. :)
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