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HostWithLinux 被 HostUS 收购

  •   yexm0 · 2015-12-05 16:26:53 +08:00 · 509 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3229 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Effective today, HostWithLinux is now part of HostUS.us. We are pleased to announce some upcoming changes that will help us to better maintain customer service and server performance.

    HostWithLinux customers will benefit from:
    24/7 Customer Support
    Selection of datacenter locations – 7 locations on 4 different continents
    Expanded service offerings (shared hosting, reseller hosting, OpenVZ VPS, managed OpenVZ VPS, dedicated servers, etc.)
    Account Migration

    HostWithLinux customers will be migrated to HostUS servers at the very end of 2015 or during the first quarter of 2016. We will coordinate account changes including new panel login information for each customer. Customers will receive updates via email(s) throughout the migration process.

    Prices and Products
    HostWithLinux customers will continue to receive services they have already paid for
    All plan prices will remain the same for existing customers after the transition to HostUS
    Account credits with HostWithLinux will be usable towards future HostUS services

    About HostUS
    HostUS is a web hosting provider incorporated in Delaware, USA. We offer shared cPanel hosting, reseller cPanel hosting, unmanaged OpenVZ VPS, and fully managed OpenVZ VPS

    We provide services to thousands of customers and would be happy to serve you!

    To learn more about our services please visit http://hostus.us

    Please do not reply to this email, this inbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. Please contact us here to receive assistance.
    2 条回复    2015-12-06 01:48:18 +08:00
       2015-12-05 16:28:41 +08:00
       2015-12-06 01:48:17 +08:00
    我也收到了邮件,而且我的香港 KVM 挂了这么久,他们还没搞定。前几天搞定了又挂了。
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