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V2EX  ›  VPS

黑五买的 3 个 vps 收到 2 张 invoice 和 1 张 notice

  •   darkradx · 2016-01-02 13:35:49 +08:00 via Android · 560 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3112 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    All of our servers will be migrated into our new Dallas 2 facility this coming week, between Monday and Saturday, moving hours are between 9PM AND 5AM local time in Texas. We expect each node to be down approximately 60-90 minutes. This migration is part of a new Dallas 2 facility build ( https://incero.com/dallas-2-data-center ), in which we have a new 10 year lease/rights. This new facility is 100,000sqft and gives us room to expand again, as our previous Dallas 1 facility at 10,000 sqft was full/out of power. This migration has been 6+ months in planning, and everything is well rehearsed.

    We are excited that as part of this move all servers are being upgraded from A side power backed by UPS and generator to A+B power via ATS (automatic transfer switch) from diverse UPS and a backup UPS via STS. While we have had 100% up-time on A-side only power, this further investment will help guarantee that service levels continue at 100%.
    1 条回复    2016-01-02 14:46:24 +08:00
       2016-01-02 14:46:24 +08:00 via Android
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