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我没给 telegram 我的通讯录权限 有人通过用户名加我 telegram 她却看见了我手机号?

  •   YUX · 2016-02-11 19:40:54 +08:00 via iPhone · 19299 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3158 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    事实上她的确在我通讯录里 我也在她通讯录里 她给了 telegram 通讯录权限 可根据官网上这段话 她不在我通讯录里(telegram 没权限看我通讯录)的话 她应该看不见我手机号才对啊?
    Q: If someone finds me by username, messages and I reply — will they know my number?
    No. Neither party will see another ‘ s phone number. This is similar to the case when you message a person who you ’ ve met in a Telegram group.

    There is one exception to this: just as in the case of all Telegram messages, if you have somebody ‘ s number saved as a contact and you send them a message, your number also becomes visible to them. Just like with SMS. This happens regardless of how you open the conversation with that person — via the contacts menu, global search by username, telegram.me link, or from a group ’ s members page.

    我绑定 telegram 的手机号并不是她通讯录里我的手机号 是另一个 我不想让别人看到我这个手机号
    1 条回复    2016-02-12 01:28:47 +08:00
       2016-02-12 01:28:47 +08:00 via iPhone
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