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IBM Watson 认知服务·语调分析

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  •   taurenshaman · 2016-04-03 16:17:00 +08:00 · 1800 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3259 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    "title": "IBM Watson 认知服务·语调分析",
    "description": "",
    "url": "www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibmwatson/developercloud/doc/tone-analyzer/understanding-tone.shtml",
    "reference": "http://blog.alchemyapi.com/a-step-closer-to-building-empathetic-systems",
    "tags": "ibm watson; cognitive; api; tone analyzer; emotional; social; language",
    "config": {
    "applicationScenarios": "应用场景",
    "emotional-tone": "情绪语调分析",
    "language-tone": "语言语调分析",
    "social-tone": "社交语调分析"
    "applicationScenarios": [
    "title": "Product Feedback and Campaign Effectiveness",
    "description": "Monitor the emotional reaction of your target audience for your products, campaigns and other marketing communications."
    "title": "Customer Satisfaction",
    "description": "Analyze customer surveys, emails, chats and reviews to determine the emotional pulse of your customers."
    "title": "Contact-center Management, Automated agents and Robots",
    "description": "Detect emotions in chats or other conversations and adapt to provide an appropriate response. For instance, direct a customer to a human agent if intense anger is detected."
    "emotional-tone": {
    "items": [
    "name": {
    "en": "Joy",
    "zh-cn": "快乐"
    "description": {
    "en": "Joy or happiness has shades of enjoyment, satisfaction and pleasure. There is a sense of well-being, inner peace, love, safety and contentment."
    "lowValue": "Less than 0.5 - less likely to be perceived as joyful.",
    "highValue": "More than 0.75 - Highly likely to be perceived as joyful."
    "name": {
    "en": "Fear",
    "zh-cn": "恐惧"
    "description": {
    "en": "Fear is a response to impending danger. It is a survival mechanism that is a reaction to some negative stimulus. It may be a mild caution or an extreme phobia."
    "lowValue": "Less than 0.5 - less likely to be perceived as scared.",
    "highValue": "More than 0.75 - Highly likely to be perceived as scared."
    "name": {
    "en": "Sadness",
    "zh-cn": "悲伤"
    "description": {
    "en": "Sadness indicates a feeling of loss and disadvantage. When a person can be observed to be quiet, less energetic and withdrawn, it may be inferred that sadness exists."
    "lowValue": "Less than 0.5 - less likely to be perceived as sad.",
    "highValue": "More than 0.75 - Highly likely to be perceived as sad."
    "name": {
    "en": "Disgust",
    "zh-cn": "厌恶"
    "description": {
    "en": "Disgust is an emotional response of revulsion to something considered offensive or unpleasant. It is a sensation that refers to something revolting."
    "lowValue": "Less than 0.5 - less likely to be perceived as disgusted.",
    "highValue": "More than 0.75 - Highly likely to be perceived as disgusted."
    "name": {
    "en": "Anger",
    "zh-cn": "愤怒"
    "description": {
    "en": "Anger is evoked due to injustice, conflict, humiliation, negligence or betrayal. If anger is active, the individual attacks the target, verbally or physically. If anger is passive, the person silently sulks and feels tension and hostility."
    "lowValue": "Less than 0.5 - less likely to be perceived as angry.",
    "highValue": "More than 0.75 - Highly likely to be perceived as angry."
    "examples": [
    "input-text": "the day I was told that I had been accepted as a student of economics.",
    "output": {
    "anger": 0.045,
    "disgust": 0.023,
    "joy": 0.93,
    "fear": 0.035,
    "sadness": 0.07
    "language-tone": {
    "items": [
    "name": {
    "en": "Analytic",
    "zh-cn": "分析性"
    "description": {
    "en": "A person's reasoning and analytical attitude about things."
    "lowValue": "Less than 0.25 - more likely to be perceived as reckless, unmethodical, laid back, or spontaneous.",
    "highValue": "More than 0.75 - more likely to be perceived as intellectual, rational, systematic, emotionless, or impersonal."
    "name": {
    "en": "Confidence",
    "zh-cn": "自信性"
    "description": {
    "en": "A persons degree of certainty."
    "lowValue": "Less than 0.25 - more likely to be perceived as nervous, humble, unassertive, or self-critical.",
    "highValue": "More than 0.75 - more likely to be perceived as assured, collected, hopeful, or egotistical."
    "name": {
    "en": "Tenative",
    "zh-cn": "试探性"
    "description": {
    "en": "A persons degree of inhibition."
    "lowValue": "Less than 0.25 - more likely to be perceived as confident, independent, or sure.",
    "highValue": "More than 0.75 - more likely to be perceived as questionable, doubtful, limited, or debatable."
    "examples": [
    "input-text": "the day I was told that I had been accepted as a student of economics.",
    "output": {
    "analytic": 0.39,
    "confidence": 0,
    "tenative": 0
    "social-tone": {
    "items": [
    "name": {
    "en": "openness",
    "zh-cn": "开放性"
    "description": {
    "en": "The extent a person is open to experience a variety of activities."
    "lowValue": "Less than 0.25 - more likely to be perceived as no-nonsense, straightforward, blunt, or preferring tradition and the obvious over the complex, ambiguous, and subtle.",
    "highValue": "More than 0.75 - more likely to be perceived as intellectual, curious, emotionally-aware, imaginative, willing to try new things, appreciating beauty, or open to change."
    "name": {
    "en": "conscientiousness",
    "zh-cn": "尽责性"
    "description": {
    "en": "The tendency to act in an organized or thoughtful way."
    "lowValue": "Less than 0.25 - more likely to be perceived as spontaneous, laid-back, reckless, unmethodical, remiss, or disorganized.",
    "highValue": "More than 0.75 - more likely to be perceived as disciplined, dutiful, achievement-striving, confident, driven, or organized."
    "name": {
    "en": "extraversion",
    "zh-cn": "外向性"
    "description": {
    "en": "The tendency to seek stimulation in the company of others."
    "lowValue": "Less than 0.25 - more likely to be perceived as independent, timid, introverted, restrained, boring, or dreary.",
    "highValue": "More than 0.75 - more likely to be perceived as engaging, seeking attention, needy, assertive, outgoing, sociable, cheerful, excitement-seeking, or busy."
    "name": {
    "en": "agreeableness",
    "zh-cn": "亲和性"
    "description": {
    "en": "The tendency to be compassionate and cooperative towards others."
    "lowValue": "Less than 0.25 - more likely to be perceived as selfish, uncaring, uncooperative, self-interested, confrontational, skeptical, or arrogant.",
    "highValue": "More than 0.75 - more likely to be perceived as caring, sympathetic, cooperative, compromising, trustworthy, or humble."
    "name": {
    "en": "emotional range",
    "zh-cn": "情绪范围; 情绪稳定性"
    "description": {
    "en": "The extent a person’s emotion is sensitive to the environment."
    "lowValue": "Less than 0.25 - more likely to be perceived as calm, bland, content, relaxed, unconcerned, or careful.",
    "highValue": "More than 0.75 - more likely to be perceived as concerned, frustrated, angry, passionate, upset, stressed, insecure, or impulsive."
    "examples": [
    "input-text": "the day I was told that I had been accepted as a student of economics.",
    "output": {
    "openness": 0.134,
    "conscientiousness": 0.409,
    "extraversion": 0.474,
    "agreeableness": 0.736,
    "emotionalRange": 0.784

    // http://lore.chuci.info/taurenshaman/json/76a9dff65baf45cb8ced17beeaefbf3f
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