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所以说 HostUS 的 HKG01-VZ45 已经完全废了吗?

  •   gcodexman · 2016-05-12 15:55:00 +08:00 · 385 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3070 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    3 封邮件了


    [HostUS] Investigating HKG01-VZ45 Downtime

    Dear xx,

    We were made aware of an issue with the node that your VPS is on (HKG01-VZ45) approximately an hour ago. Currently, it is not responding to any controls and the datacenter is investigating this issue.

    The following VPS(es) under your account are affected:

    AP Special - 256MB - xxx

    We will keep you updated in regard to this issue and we hope that we can restore your service as soon as possible.


    HostUS Solutions LLC


    [HostUS] HKG01-VZ45 Downtime Update

    Dear xx,

    We have replaced the CPUs and RAM in the hostnode, and the hostnode had been stable in the past few hours. Unfortunately, due to its nature, it is possible that computer / server hardware may fail from time to time. If the failure happens again, we will want to possibly look into a chassis swap.

    We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this downtime.

    HostUS Solutions LLC


    [HostUS] Investigating HKG01-VZ45 Second Downtime

    Dear xx,

    We were made aware that your hostnode (HKG01-VZ45) is offline again, after last week's hardware replacement.

    The datacenter is curretly checking this issue. Updates to follow.

    HostUS Solutions LLC
       2016-05-13 07:55:23 +08:00
    HKG01-VZ57 的,没收到过上述的邮件。 :doge:
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