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上海 EMC storage services 招 devops

  •   mechgouki · 2016-07-13 16:37:24 +08:00 · 2585 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3161 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    产品是 ECS

    youtube 上有视频可以看一下

    JD 如下, 简历(中英文) 发 [email protected]

    Title: Principal Solutions Engineer

    This role will be responsible for operational delivery and support of production cloud infrastructure for dedicated cloud storage offering, focusing on proactive monitoring, rapid response, and Tier 2 support for our storage services. You will be driving to improve the reliability and performance of our Operations.

    You will work as an IC as part of a small team of Operations Engineers & tools developers and work with our engineering teams to deliver, build and operate the next generation of StaaS (Storage as a Service) focusing on automation, availability and performance. You will diagnose and resolve latent and systemic reliability issues across entire stack: hardware, software, services, application and network working closely with engineering teams. Drive standardization efforts across multiple disciplines and services.

    Roles and Responsibilities
    • Document, communicate, evangelize, advocate for, and optimize cross functional system-level designs
    • Participate in a 24x7 on-call rotation
    • Create and maintain technical documentation for operational readiness
    • Build, tune, troubleshoot and document systems in high availability Clusters.
    • Create and maintain security best practices
    • Configure and maintain virtual networking, including load balancers, firewalls and switches
    • Become a solid contributor on our team, and build, extend and maintain some of the key infrastructure that powers our Private Cloud platform
    • Take ownership of important components of the architecture that power our Private Cloud
    • Provide troubleshooting expertise for virtualization performance and other issues
    • Train and educate others within Technology about Cloud storage technologies.
    • Solve business needs with technology by evaluating different technology options and vendor products.

    Minimum Qualifications
    • 7+ years industry experience with Bachelor ’ s Degree in CS or similar field of study OR work equivalent
    • Linux/Unix expert, preferably within a production IaaS datacenter environment and familiar with industry best practices
    • Experience with scripting (ruby/python/perl/awk/shell/etc …)
    • Experience working in a 24X7 production environment to deliver QOS and maintain SLAs.

    Additional Preferred Qualifications
    • Experience with scripting (ruby/python/perl/awk/shell/etc …)
    • Some Hands-on experience with any configuration management tools
    • Experience with firewalls, VPN, routing, switching, load balancers, monitoring, security and DNS plus
    • Understanding of Distributed systems
    • Proven experience working with Unix/Linux Systems
    • Knowledge of systems management concepts, processes and standards

    Title: (Sr.) Solutions Engineer

    This role will be responsible for operational delivery and support of production cloud infrastructure for dedicated cloud storage offering, focusing on proactive monitoring, rapid response, and Tier 2 support for our storage services.

    You will work as an IC as part of a small team of Operations Engineers & tools developers and work with our engineering teams to deliver, build and operate the next generation of StaaS (Storage as a Service) focusing on automation, availability and performance. You will diagnose and resolve latent and systemic reliability issues across entire stack: hardware, software, services, application and network working closely with engineering teams.

    Roles and Responsibilities
    • Document, communicate, evangelize, advocate for, and optimize cross functional system-level designs
    • Participate in a 24x7 on-call rotation
    • Create and maintain technical documentation for operational readiness
    • Build, tune, troubleshoot and document systems in high availability Clusters.
    • Create and maintain security best practices
    • Configure and maintain virtual networking, including load balancers, firewalls and switches
    • Become a solid contributor on our team, and build, extend and maintain some of the key infrastructure that powers our Private Cloud platform
    • Provide troubleshooting expertise for virtualization performance and other issues
    Minimum Qualifications
    • 4+ years industry experience with Bachelor ’ s Degree in CS or similar field of study OR work equivalent
    • Linux/Unix expert, preferably within a production IaaS datacenter environment and familiar with industry best practices
    • Experience with scripting (ruby/python/perl/awk/shell/etc …)
    • Experience working in a 24X7 production environment to deliver QOS and maintain SLAs.

    Additional Preferred Qualifications
    • Some Hands-on experience with any configuration management tools
    • Experience with firewalls, VPN, routing, switching, load balancers, monitoring, security and DNS plus
    • Understanding of Distributed systems
    • Proven experience working with Unix/Linux Systems
    • Knowledge of systems management concepts, processes and standards
    2 条回复    2016-07-14 17:36:25 +08:00
       2016-07-14 16:40:36 +08:00 via Android
    EMC 给钱好低,在 neitui 上找人帮忙投了结果内推上的价格的中位数都给不到,最后就黄了
       2016-07-14 17:36:25 +08:00
    @andrewzhou 恩 看时薪不一定的
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