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比特大陆 AI 团队招聘啦!

  •   hackos · 2017-08-16 10:12:55 +08:00 · 2968 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2605 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    比特大陆精益求精,用芯制造。现在三岁了,家人们都十分重视每一位伙伴的加入,每一滴新鲜的血液,都会很大程度上影响着公司的文化和发展,所以我们对此十分谨慎,也非常挑剔,直到遇见适合 [比特大陆] 企业文化的你。 —— 比特大陆 CEO 詹克团 比特大陆 AI 产品线开始招聘啦!~

    我们开放芯片研发、软件、算法、硬件、市场、文案等众多岗位 职位要求相对较高,但是薪水绝对给力。 感兴趣的可以将简历发送到:[email protected] , 直接内推到负责人。 有任何公司方面的问题,欢迎大家邮件咨询,也可以交换微信号私下交流。


    IC 类 (北京 /武汉 /成都 /深圳 / 上海)

    资深芯片设计工程师 资深全定制芯片设计工程师 资深 FPGA 设计工程师 资深芯片验证工程师 资深芯片后端设计工程师 资深 DFT 工程师 集成电路相关专业的实习生 若干

    软件类 (北京 /武汉 /成都 /深圳 / 上海)

    资深芯片嵌入式软件工程师 系统软件开发工程师 应用软件开发工程师 资深计算机系统结构工程师 资深编译器工具链工程师 高性能计算工程师 计算机软件相关的实习生 若干

    算法类 (北京 /武汉 /成都 /深圳 / 上海)

    深度学习研发工程师 北京武汉成都深圳 计算机视觉研发工程师 机器学习算法工程师 AI、ML、模式识别、数学相关的实习生 若干

    硬件类 (北京 /武汉 /成都 /深圳 / 上海)

    资深硬件工程师 /硬件技术专家

    市场文案类 (北京)


    Part 1 ▬ 关于 BITMAIN ▬


    [北京比特大陆科技有限公司] 是一家专注于高速、低功耗定制芯片设计研发的纯科技公司,拥有最性感的 16nm 工艺集成电路全定制设计的量产经验,成功开发并量产了多款 ASIC 定制芯片和整机系统。




    早在 2014 年底,比特大陆敏锐的捕捉到了人工智能的新趋势,借助集成电路设计量产的优势,带领团队投身深度学习芯片加速板卡及服务器,并进一步扩展云基础设施到人工智能计算领域,我们的目标是让大数据用户借助我们的云平台更快速的开发和部署他们的深度学习应用。



    致力于研发时代潮流所趋、又独具魅力及无限未来空间的 [人工智能芯片及硬件产品] 。将秉承我们一贯的气质,在这场“贵族游戏”(世界 AI 芯)中继续精益求精、极致卓越!!!


    推出我国第一款 55nm 制程的 SHA256 运算的加速芯片—— BM1380,为数字货币交易认证提供了高安全的服务系统。

    比特大陆陆续突破了 28nm 工艺、16nm 的工艺制程,其中 BM1387 芯片的单片计算速度高达 80GH/S,在 0.4V 的核心电压下功耗仅为 0.079W/GH/s,该芯片量产的服务系统综合性能高达 12.9TH/S,功耗仅为 1200W,我们运营了 100 兆瓦电力的全球服务器基础设施,产出约 300Petahash/s 算力。


    现有 500+名优秀的小伙伴已加入比特大陆大家庭,70%以上从事的是芯片与系统的研发工作。这里不仅有 AI 届的神秘大拿坐镇,陪伴你的还有清华少年班的硕士正太,耶鲁海龟的高级攻城狮、还有来自北大、中科院、港大等顶级技术极客、商务牛人,当然还有一群有爱的小伙伴,陪你成长,陪你快乐!

    Part 2 ▬ 你将得到什么 ▬

    丰厚薪金福利+项目奖金+年度奖金 六险一金+节日福利+带薪年假 食堂+班车+弹性工作时间 每年一次免费体检+集体出游+员工生日会+下午茶歇 良好的办公环境(独栋写字楼、休闲设施、健身中心)

    Part 3 ▬ 详细岗位描述和应聘需求 ▬

    —— 软件类 ——

    ▌资深芯片嵌入式软件工程师 Senior Embedded Software Engineer


    Design, implement, validateand debug through firmware, device drivers, framework software, and application software Make changes to Linux kerneland write kernel/user space drivers/applications as and when required Bring up of x86 based serveras well as bare metal SoC system Analyze and tune for optimal performance and efficiency Develop relevant tools orscripts Participate in all phases of a product development Requirements:

    MSCS/MSEE with 2+ years orBSCS/BSEE with 5 years of relevant experience Excellent C/C++/Assembly development and debugging skills Detailed and extensive experience with Linux kernel software is required Strong understanding of CPU architecture, bus, PCIe, and peripheral interfaces Experience in Embedded OS/RTOSes preferred Experience with GPU or othercompute/data-intensive device driver development preferred Passionate about solvingfundamental problems Good team player ▌系统软件开发工程师 Senior System Software Engineer


    Design, implement, validateand debug through firmware, device drivers, framework software, and application software Deliver and maintain SDKand APIs for the architecture design, integrate with platform and applicationsoftware Understand and analyzehardware features, leading to recommendations for future architectures Analyze performance andtune for optimal performance and efficiency Develop relevant tools orscripts Participate in all phases of a product development Requirements:

    MSCS/MSEE with 2+ years ofrelevant experience or PhD preferred Excellent C/C++/Python development and debugging skills Solid background inmathematics, algorithms and data structures Experience working with oneof the following areas: CUDA, 3D graphics, OpenCL, DSP, Neon, SSE, AVX, FMA, orother parallel processing systems Good understanding ofconcepts related to computer architecture and operating systems Passionate about solvingfundamental problems Experience in machinelearning is a plus Good team player ▌资深计算机系统结构工程师 Senior Computer Architecture Engineer


    MS or PHD Degree inrelevant discipline (CS, EE, Math) Strong programming skillsin C or C++ Strong background incomputer architecture, parallel processing, signal processing and/or highperformance computing Ways To Stand Out From The Crowd

    Big plus wit deep learning,computer vision and HPC domain Experience in characterizing and modeling system-level performance or power, executing comparison studies, and documenting and publishing results ▌高性能计算工程师


    在可编程的专用芯片上(类似于 google 最近推出的 TPU)上开发 firmware,充分使用芯片上的硬件资源来完成机器学习任务 任职资格:

    有针对高复杂度算法的优化经验(比如机器学习算法 /图像处理算法 /视频编解码算法 /基带信号处理等领域) 以下两个背景中最少要有一项 使用过 GPU 或是汇编语言做软件优化 芯片设计背景 了解计算机体系结构的基本原理.对软硬件协同工作有一定认识 有深度学习背景者加分。 欢迎有芯片设计经验又愿意转行做软件的人 职位关键字:并行计算 /芯片 / 计算机体系结构 / GPU/ CUDA / OpenCL / 汇编优化 / SSE / NEON —— 算法类 ——

    ▌深度学习研发工程师 Deep Learning Engineer


    从事前沿人工智能技术研发 至少涉及以下一种职责,计算机视觉,自然语言处理,深度学习平台,语音识别的研发 任职资格:

    熟练掌握 C/C++,Python 有一定的深度学习基础,能熟练使用 Caffe,Torch,TensorFlow 等深度学习平台中的任意一个优先 在以下至少一个领域有深入的研究:大规模机器学习、自然语言处理、计算机视觉、图像处理,语音识别 有宽泛的技术视野和对人工智能的热情 在计算机视觉国际顶级会议或者期刊上发表论文、国际比赛获奖、及有相关专利者优先 ▌计算机视觉研发工程师 Computer Vision Engineer


    负责公司计算机视觉相关的技术、系统、产品的研发工作(人脸检测识别、图像分类标注、OCR、图像处理等) 负责公司计算机视觉方向技术难点攻关、前瞻研究以及初级工程师的指导 任职资格:

    熟练掌握 C/C++,Python 熟练掌握机器学习基本算法并有一定的实践经验 有一定的深度学习基础,能熟练使用 Caffe,Torch,TensorFlow 等深度学习平台中的任意一个优先 熟练掌握计算机视觉和图像处理基本算法并具有丰富的相关经验(人脸检测识别、图像分类标注、OCR 等) 有宽泛的技术视野和对人工智能的热情 在计算机视觉国际顶级会议或者期刊上发表论文、国际比赛获奖、及有相关专利者优先 ▌机器学习算法工程师 Machine Learning Engineer


    Development andimplementation of DL/ML algorithms focusing on industrial applications, suchas, driver-less cars, robotics, internet of things, and industry 4.0 Strategy development forthe field of AI/DL/ML, support in strategic decision making with regard to ourvarious product lines Development of large scaleDL/ML algorithms and parallel implementation strategies Evaluation and comparisonof DL/ML algorithms for specific applications and related tasks, in particularwith regard to the performance, training, and suitability for embeddedapplications Close communication withour hardware architecture experts Requirements:

    PhD in computer science,artificial intelligence, mathematics, physics, statistics Expertise and practicalexperience in the following domains: Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning,Machine Learning. Practical experience in CNN/NLP algorithm is a plus Indepth practice in deeplearning methodologies on GPU/FPGA/ASIC, such as Caffe, ConvNet, Torch … etc.,mastering the tuning strategy for CNN/NLP's parameters Technical proficiency inprogramming languages: R, C/C++, Python, Matlab, Java, JavaScript, familiarity with Linux environment Experience with big datatechnologies and HPC is a plus, such as Hadoop ecosystem Excellent communicativeskills in read and written English, fluent spoken English Strong communicationskills, ability to express oneself logically, strong sense of team spirit,proactive communication —— IC 类 ——

    ▌资深芯片设计工程师 Senior IC/ASIC/SOC Design Expert


    IC Block design for all frontend phase IC chip level design for all font-end phase Architecture define RTL implementation Analysis and Optimization for performance Analysis and Optimization for power Analysis and Optimization for timing Design flow: lint/synthesis/sta/formal check Silicon debugging Requirements:

    BS / MS with 5+ years of experience in ASIC or FPGA design Experience with CPU related IPs design are highly desirable Experience as design lead for complex or high speed IPs Experience with all phases of frontend architecture, design and validation RTL Coding, Design Reviews, SYN, CDC, FEV, DFT insertion, ATPG analysis Demonstrated work experience with timing Analysis, Area and Power optimizations, * Performance Analysis, Debug ability and Security analysis, ECOs, and Post-Silicon Debug Excellent knowledge of Verilog and popular EDA simulation & implementation tools Good experience in scripting languages like Perl, Unix shell or similar languages ▌资深全定制芯片设计工程师 Senior Full Custom IC Design Expert


    Architecture design for custom chip Function block front end design for custom chip Full chip design for custom ASIC Requirements:

    BS / MS with 5+ years of experience in IC design Solid theory understanding for digital and analog circuitry Experience with circuit level customization, for example: SRAM / Adders / Mux etc Experience with non-standard-cell based IC design is a plus Experience with library characterization is a plus Excellent knowledge of Verilog and popular EDA simulation & implementation tools Good experience in scripting languages like Perl, Unix shell or similar languages ▌资深 FPGA 设计工程师 Senior FPGA Design Engineer


    FPGA prototype implementation for complicated SOC system Setup FPGA simulation env for fuction verification FPGA Board bring up and debug Requirements:

    Master degree or above, 5+ years or more working experience Strong Verilog RTL coding, and testbench design skills; Good understanding of digital circuits Good Understanding of synthesis, simulation, P&R flow, timing analysis and relevant tools for FPGA and ASIC Familiar with design tools of Xilinx, Altera Familiar with SOC system design Rich board debug experience ▌资深芯片验证工程师 Senior IC Verification Engineer


    Develop test plans, tests and verification infrastructure for complex IP's/sub-system/SOC's Create verification environment for both directed and random verification Create reusable bus functional models, monitors, checkers and scoreboards Drive functional coverage driven verification closure Work with architects, designers and post-silicon teams Requirements:

    BS / MS with 5+ years of experience in design verification Experience in design verification for CPU related IPs are highly desirable Experience as verification lead for complex IP Exposure to design and verification tools (VCS or equivalent simulation tools, debug tools like Debussy, Simvision) Expertise in Verilog Excellent communication skills and ability to lead highly competent team. Experience in SystemVerilog or similar HVL is highly desirable Strong debugging and problem solving skills Scripting knowledge (Perl/shell) Strong fundamentals in computer architecture desirable C++ programming language experience desirable ▌资深芯片后端设计工程师 Senior ASIC Backend DesignEngineer


    Execute the whole Physical Design flow include Floorplan/Placement/CTS/Routing/Physical Verification Work with front end design Engineers to achieve timingclosure for both partition level and full chip level IO ring design Cross talk Analysis IR Drop and Power Integrity Analysis Execute ECO's Develop and enhance entire physical design flow at bothchip and block level Requirements:

    BS/MS in Electrical or Computer Engineering with 5+ yearsexperience in physical design Experience with advanced process, experience with hierarchicaldesign flow Hands-on experience in full-chip/sub-chip Static TimingAnalysis. CPU related timing convergence background would be a plus Hands on experience in logic synthesis and equivalencechecking/FV required Expertise in physical design and optimization e.g.placement, routing, cell sizing, buffering, logic restructuring, etc. toimprove timing and power required. * Background in implementing them through ECOsrequired Understanding of DFT logic and hands-on experience in designclosure taking into account DFT logic required. DFT timing closure for variousmodes e.g. scan shift and capture, transition faults, BIST, etc. would be aplus Expertise in analyzing and converging crosstalk delay,noise glitch, and electrical/manufacturing rules in deep-sub micron processes Understand process variation effect modeling andexperience in design convergence taking into account variations required Experience in critical path planning and crafting.Experience in circuits, SPICE simulations, and/or transistor level STA would bea plus Expertise and in-depth knowledge of industry standard EDAtools required Proficiency in scripting languages, such as, Perl, Tcl,Make, etc. Experience in methodology and/or flow automation would be a plus —— 硬件类 ——

    ▌资深硬件工程师 /硬件技术专家 Senior Hardware Engineer/Expert


    Designing, simulating,prototyping, and testing of electrical systems Parts selection andqualification Transform vendor referencedesigns into custom solutions Build schematic, boardfloor planning, pre-layout planning based on simulations Provide guidance to CADdesigners (placement and routing) and review CAD work Lead and participate informal design reviews Author HW specifications,and publish bill of materials Bring up and testprototypes Develop and Implement testplans Lab debug of HW problems Requirements:

    5+ years of experience indigital/analog electrical system design Proficient in the completeflow of CAD design tools Proficient in constraint driven design methodologies Proficient in using high speed digital test equipment, logic analyzers, and function generators Experience with the use of high performance processors and support FPGAs Strong knowledge and applicationof high-speed design methodologies for Signal Integrity is a must Experience with effectivePCB stack-up design is a must Experience with high speedbuses include: PCIe QPI, Multi-gigabit Ethernet, Infiniband, DDR3/DDR4 FPGA design experience is aplus Experience with digital oranalog simulation is a plus Digital signal processing,real-time image processing, and camera module experience is a plus Strong communication skills —— 市场、文案类 —— ▌市场营销


    负责 AI 产品线的市场营销策略制定 善于运用市场调查、数据分析、文案策划 全面协调整合市场、PR、网站、运营和产品各环节 任职资格:

    有 3 年以上相关市场营销 /品牌创意背景 心怀敬业之心与责任心,认同算丰科技正在做的事 具有良好的团队协作意识及谈判沟通能力 逻辑思维能力强,具有良好的方案策划能力 精通英文读写、能顺畅的进行口语交流 全职 加分项:

    对品牌形象、定位于市场营销有深入理解 具有社交媒体 /客户关系管理的经验 对新事物有敏锐的洞察力,善于学习和钻研新领域 ▌资深文案


    搜集整理行业、竞品信息,制作数据分析报告 策划并撰写深度稿件,准确反映公司品牌影响力和产品价值 其他线上线下活动的辅助文案及执行 负责公司内刊的撰写 任职资格: 具有三年以上互联网公司文案经验 对数据敏感,并能透过数据指导运营 有较强文字功底和理解能力,文笔流畅,文字转化力强 精通英文读写、能顺畅的进行口语交流 面试时提供文字作品 全职、兼职均可 加分项: 有社交媒体关系 曾任编辑、记者

    2 条回复    2017-08-16 20:57:30 +08:00
       2017-08-16 16:58:18 +08:00
       2017-08-16 20:57:30 +08:00
    @arongpm 貌似没听说过,不好意思
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