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上海 - QLEAR - 招聘 Ruby 工程师 2 名 (20 - 35K)

  •   martinx · 2017-09-05 11:28:03 +08:00 · 2036 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2495 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    About QLEAR

    QLEAR is helping to create healthier, more efficient, and green buildings by allowing them to communicate with the people who live, work, and play in them. Come join a small team, passionate about environmental sustainability to help build an open, highly scalable platform.

    Backend Engineer (Ruby)

    Location: Shanghai

    Stack: Ruby on Rails, Redis, MySQL, Docker/LXC, Git

    What will you do?

    • Write clean, tested, Ruby and Java code
    • Architect, build, and deploy APIs for web and mobile clients
    • Architect, build, and deploy APIs for integrating with external partners, as well as internal system communication
    • Architect, build, and support systems for scheduling and data processing at scale

    What are we looking for?

    • Able to design and build elegant, usable, and robust APIs
    • Experience building systems for high volume transaction processing
    • Deep understanding of messaging, scheduling, and queuing architectures
    • Expert knowledge of Ruby, Java and familiarity with Linux, containerization, and cloud computing
    • Embraces a DevOps philosophy, closely collaborating with QA and operations engineers throughout the full product
    • Comfortable working in English. Our team has a variety of English and Chinese levels, being able and willing to communicate in either language is preferred


    • 13 薪,20-35K
    • 弹性工作时间


    利西路 102 号,靠近延安西路和江苏路,长宁区


    请将简历和 github 地址发送至 [email protected],谢谢:)


    初级或实习也非常欢迎 :)

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