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全球独角兽外企 [Airbnb] Android 资深工程师/前端/后端/全栈工程师( 4 年+工作经验)

  •   xkjack · 2017-10-18 09:31:15 +08:00 · 1964 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2541 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    最新估值超过 310 亿美元,作为共享经济领域代表,Airbnb 是全球估值最高的未上市互联网公司之一。
    覆盖超过 190 个国家的 34,000 个城市,拥有超过 250 万个精品房源,服务超过 6000 万人。

    Airbnb 中国的创始团队,都来自于美国总部。他们不仅有很强的中国背景,大部分毕业于清华、北大、南大,还在加入 Airbnb 之前就有丰富的硅谷公司经验。团队领头人葛宏,兼任 airbnb 中国的产品总监和技术总监。葛宏是清华本科,耶鲁大学硕士,美国 Google,Facebook 背景,之前是 Facebook 的技术总监( Engineering Director )。

    欢迎技术 GEEK,大牛加入!!!!! 基本要求:一本以上学历,技术过硬。
    简历至邮箱: [email protected]

    具有竞争力的薪水+美股期权+完美福利( Google,Facebook 同等)

    前端 /后端 /全栈工程师(资深)
    We are looking for Full Stack engineers with:
    · Exceptional ability to work anywhere in the technical stack, delivering quality code both on the frontend and backend.
    · Exceptional proficiency using HTML/CSS/Javascript, Python/Django, Ruby/Ruby on Rails. Experience with React is a plus.
    · Fluency in any backend server language, and expertise in relational databases and schema design.
    · Strong motivation to drive impact by making product improvements.
    · Strong analytical thinking, experienced with making product decisions based on data and A/B testing.
    · Proactiveness, good communication and fast learning.
    · Interest in working in a very cross-functional team that touches many of the core systems and user flows at Airbnb.
    · Working proficiency in English and Mandarin required.

    Android 研发工程师(资深)
    We are looking for Android engineers with:
    · Experience shipping one or more Android apps, ideally currently available in an app store.
    · Personal projects that show an aptitude for engineering and product sense.
    · Ability to work in areas outside of their usual comfort zone and get things done quickly.
    · Strong motivation to drive impact by making product improvements.
    · Strong analytical thinking, experienced with making product decisions based on data and A/B testing.
    · Proactiveness, good communication and fast learning.
    · Interest in working in a very cross-functional team that touches many of the core systems and user flows at Airbnb.
    · Working proficiency in English and Mandarin required.
    1 条回复    2017-10-20 22:52:03 +08:00
       2017-10-20 22:52:03 +08:00
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