V2EX = way to explore
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V2EX  ›  酷工作

高薪聘 Java 工程师, Python 工程师

  •   robbin666 · 2017-11-20 09:21:52 +08:00 · 1918 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2508 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    这是一个招聘贴。友情转发。地点台湾。看个人意愿。薪资各方面待遇不错。 以下是岗位描述:

    1.Python 工程师

    Major responsibilities include:
    - Participate in application development life cycle, including planning, analysis, design, implementation and maintenance.
    - Characterize end-to-end performance and effectiveness of product benchmark platform.
    - Collaborate with product RD team and implement solution for product benchmark.
    - Define realistic scenarios, build tools and/or simulators, write representative benchmarks, and perform analysis to contribute to architectural decisions to optimize product benchmark platform.
    - 3+ years of hands-on experience in software development.
    - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
    - Hands-on experience in Python and C#.
    - Familiar with front-end implementation using Django web framework.
    - Familiar with Cuckoo Sandbox is a plus.
    - Experience in Metasploit or Kali is a plus.
    - Experience in malware handing is a plus.
    - Bachelor degree or above in engineering related discipline or equivalent practical experience

    2.JAVA 工程师

    Major responsibilities include:
    Bachelor or Master in Computer Sciences or related major
    Excellent Knowledge and hands on practice of Java
    Experience in developing Linux based systems
    Knowledge of scripting language Perl or Shell script
    Hands-on database environment, e.g., MySQL or Oracle (nice to have)
    Good knowledge of web development and architecture, ex: HTTP, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, DOM, and Web industry standard (nice to have)
    Good knowledge of software engineering life-cycle including design, development, build/release, and QA (nice to have)
    Experience in Agile/Scrum development process or cloud computing (nice to have)
    Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills and desire to learn new skills (nice to have)
    Ability to take initiative and be innovative- Great sense of responsibility and attention to detail (nice to have)
    Experience in working with very large scale distributed systems (nice to have)


    3 条回复    2017-11-21 10:38:22 +08:00
       2017-11-20 09:36:54 +08:00
    对 1 很有兴趣,看 DP 里“ Excellent communication and interpersonal skills ”貌似对语言(英语)要求很高,瞬间缺乏勇气。
       2017-11-20 18:25:33 +08:00
    怎么联系, 我很有兴趣。
       2017-11-21 10:38:22 +08:00
    @shimmerh vx:295164745
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