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V2EX  ›  酷工作

数据库及架构工程师 Database & Infrastructure Engineer

  •   hungrygenius · 2017-12-28 18:13:27 +08:00 · 1664 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2469 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Database & Infrastructure Engineer

    Telecommute. Work from anywhere

    How to apply

    Add our admin WeChat "dokoSL" with message "V2EX".


    We are looking for an experienced database & infrastructure engineer to help make doko.com as stable and reliable as possible. We are growing quickly on both the business and infrastructure side and are at the point where we need more expertise to help with that growth.

    This is a part-time / contract job. We take small steps as we hire.

    You can work from anywhere. We're a fully remote team spread across different cities.

    About doko.com

    doko.com is “ The marketplace for Apple users ”. We offer a new type of online advertisement. One that adds value to our lives, not tension, a system that benefits consumers and brands. A place where only privacy and good service counts.

    We're looking for people who like to solve problems and build a business and product that Apple users genuinely love to interact with.


    • Part-time/contract availability, with the option of going full-time in the coming months.
    • Active involvement in design, implementation and maintenance of the development, staging and production infrastructure and services.
    • Troubleshoot system issues (such as api, memory, CPU etc.) and come up with temporary/long-term solutions based on the root cause.
    • Ensure proper security, monitoring, alerting and reporting for the infrastructure.
    • Troubleshoot issues across the whole stack: hardware, software, and network.
    • Document current and future procedures, configuration and policies in the wiki.

    What we need from you

    • Experience using PHP (CodeIgniter & Laravel)
    • Experience using PostgreSQL
    • Experience with high traffic websites (preferred)
    • Realize high quality, scalable solutions
    • Experience using nginx, hosting platforms and facilities
    • Strong knowledge of UNIX

    Additional Requirements

    • Front-end development experience: HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery and CSS3
    • Experience with git
    • Apple user
    • Ability to communicate in English
    第 1 条附言  ·  2018-01-15 18:33:15 +08:00
    Hello 各位开发员程序员,我简单介绍一下我们团队吧,希望真心对我们做的事有兴趣的人能跟我联系。
    我们做的事其实道理很简单,就是“小数据”,因为大数据和 AI 的结果就是对消费者的行为思想操控和垄断,我们相信是时候用一种新的方式连接消费者和品牌(当然,我们只针对 Apple 用户),一种有利于双方的方式,一种能给双方带来价值而不是冲突的方式。我们团队目前正在扩大国内的市场,并布局进入美国西海岸市场。
    也有很多全新的,市场上还未出现的 iOS、watchOS、MacOS 功能需要开发实践,所以想找一位对我们所做的事感兴趣的 Apple 粉丝加入我们团队,从兼职全栈开发做起,就像我们的合伙人一样和我们一起前进,逐渐走向 CTO 职位,当然还有股权和合伙人机会。
       2017-12-29 10:19:30 +08:00
       2017-12-29 10:43:21 +08:00
    @pichina 谢谢,那就快快加我们微信 dokoSL 聊一聊吧
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