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加拿大最大软件公司 opentext 性能测试工程师招聘(0-2 年经验 上海五角场)

  •   g684373 · 2018-03-26 15:54:01 +08:00 · 2239 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2383 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Opentext ECD(Enterprise Content Management)是原 EMC 的部门(被加拿大最大的软件公司收购),目前是 EIM 行业全球最大,市值在 100 亿美金左右。
    大家都是来自 IBM,SAP 等公司的工程师,公司的大部分产品都是 java 作为技术栈。
    性能优化岗位注重 gc,jvm 的调优,数据库的调优,以及对操作系统的调优。是一个对整个 CS 基础知识都有涉及的岗位(更加偏向技术),目前国内的互联网公司 bat 都有类似的岗位,随着国内的性能测试不断被重视,这个岗位会有很大的市场成长的优势。
    一进来就有 25 天的带薪年假哦,基本不加班,偶尔会有晚上需要跨时区开会。具体的 JD 如下:
    如有需要,可以联系: [email protected] ,可以帮忙内推哦!

    Summary of the Position:

    You will be joining a superb and passionate Performance Engineering team, ensuring OpenText cloud-based and on-premise products and solutions meets customer requirements in aspects of performance, scalability, reliability and robustness. You will have opportunities to work with global talents, learn the cutting-edge technologies of all the tiers and looking at all aspects of performance from a holistic angle and provide analysis and recommendations with performance and scalability in mind.

    The key responsibilities include, but not limited to:

    • Define performance plans; perform performance, scalability, stress and endurance test.
    • Provide in-depth analysis for the performance issues identified. Trace down the performance issues in product code and provide code fix proposal.
    • Perform system-level performance tuning.
    • Perform large-scale benchmark and sizing according to typical customer usage scenario.
    • PoC, design and implement for internal projects.
    • Do effective communication with management and key stakeholders.

    Skills and Experience Required:

    The candidate has a minimum of relevant technical work experience in the areas below, including design/testing of distributed, fault-tolerant applications.

    As part of the Performance Team, you have

    • Good knowledge on computer science fundamentals, i.e. data structure, algorithm, operating systems.
    • Hands-on experience in Java, XML.
    • Hands-on experience in performance tuning in SaaS platform and application is a big plus
    • Knowledge of SQL Server and Oracle. Database Tuning is a plus.
    • Knowledge in JVM tuning and performance profiling for Java applications.
    • Strong Unix, Windows and VM skills required.
    • Ability to communicate complex technical concepts clearly to peers and management.
    • Good oral and written English.

    Interpersonal Competencies:

    • Excellent analytical and communication skills
    • Ability to thrive in a team-oriented, fast-changing environment
    • Flexible, adaptable, and able to manage multiple tasks in a dynamic, fast-paced environment
    • Self-motivated willing to learn quickly and work independently.
    • Works well with different teams across the organization
    • Participate as an active team member, lead by example
    • Work independently and without supervision or follow-up
    • Demonstrates an attitude of joint accountability for all aspects of projects, whether or not directly assigned responsibilities of a project
    • Demonstrates respect, responsiveness and professionalism toward others while providing superior service for internal teams and customers.

    Education Requirements:

    • Bachelor ’ s degree in Computer Sciences or Software Engineering or relevant disciplines (Master is a plus)
    4 条回复    2018-03-31 11:48:48 +08:00
       2018-03-26 16:27:06 +08:00 via Android
    25 天....
    我们一年只有 5 天
       2018-03-26 17:04:16 +08:00
    @coffeSlider 15 天年假 10 天病假 外企 work life balance 比较好
       2018-03-26 18:34:17 +08:00 via iPhone
    @g684373 你咋不把周末也加上 一年一百多天带薪年假更带劲
       2018-03-31 11:48:48 +08:00
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