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[MicroStrategy 微策略软件杭州] 顶尖美资软件公司 招韩语翻译一名

  •   BIbestbest · 2018-06-06 20:08:50 +08:00 · 1161 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2305 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    亲爱的小伙伴们,偶公司招人哦, 开发、测试、用户体验设计师、翻译、技术支持、敏捷专家、顾问、人事各个种类、不同级别的职位都有哦。杭州是中国总部,也是开发中心,上海是销售处哈。 走过路过,不要错过。我会为你倾情内推的。请拉到底部点击链接查看职位详情。

    简历请砸到以下邮箱:(中英文简历,注明想要的职位,不明的也可以发邮件咨询我) [email protected]

    关于微策略 MicroStrategy: 微策略 MicroStrategy 是全球领先的专注于提供商务智能软件产品和相关服务的上市公司(NASDAQ:MSTR)。www.microstrategy.com

    MicroStrategy 目前拥有超过 2000 名员工,分布在全球 20 多个不同的国家和地区。公司总部设立在美国首都华盛顿附近; 2007 年 8 月在杭州成立中国技术中心,目前拥有员工近 300 人 。

    员工亲体验: 美资外企, 上班不打卡,弹性工作制。工作轻松福利优渥。 work life balance, 工作氛围好,环境佳,每天研磨咖啡,新鲜水果,私教上门授课那是标配! 爱生活,爱技术,更有去美国或者波兰工作交流的机会,还等什么呢,赶紧上车呀!

    职位简介:5 年韩语本地化经验,硕士学历,有翻译项目管理经验更佳。

    Job Description The Role: Our Technical Publications team is looking for a Korean Linguist to work out of our office in Hangzhou, China. You will bear final responsibility for the quality of translations of MicroStrategy content into Korean. We are looking for talented individuals to fill a variety of roles within our Technology team to support our Server, Client, Technical Publications, and Internationalization teams. Your Focus: • Perform localization tasks related to GUI strings, product documentation, education, website, and product marketing, as needed • Build and manage terminology resources such as glossaries, style guides, and translation memory files • Recruit, train, and manage a team of qualified freelance translators that can be engaged should volume and time constraints require it • Edit and perform quality control on freelancers ’ output and on translations delivered by vendors in the past • Apply changes to preferred terminology in the locations in which our linguistic assets are stored (string databases, Flare projects) to achieve consistency Qualifications Required Experience and Skills: Motivation, Innovation, Passion, Integrity, Teamwork, Customer-Focus You should also bring the following: • At least 5 years ’ experience working in the localization industry • A Master ’ s degree in translation studies or localization preferred • Familiarity with Korean software terminology and the software development process in general • At least 2 years ’ experience working in translation project management, including identification and vetting of qualified of freelancers • Familiarity with at least one CAT tool essential • Familiarity with Madcap Flare™ or SQL a major plus • Obsessively dedicated to quality and ensuring that the localization activities they oversee optimally support sales in Korean-speaking markets • Able to manage their time successfully in an environment with many competing priorities • Diplomatic, and good with managing people • An outstanding communicator, also across time zones


    2 条回复    2018-06-30 16:42:43 +08:00
       2018-06-08 18:57:25 +08:00
    5 年韩语本地化经验,硕士学历,有翻译项目管理经验更佳。
       2018-06-30 16:42:43 +08:00
    5 年韩语本地化经验,硕士学历,有翻译项目管理经验更佳。
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