V2EX = way to explore
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V2EX  ›  职场话题

StoreHub Shanghai 招一位 Senior DevOps Engineer

  •   Yolandasu · 2018-10-23 12:54:43 +08:00 · 1603 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2165 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。





    What you will do:

    Develop automation and processes that enable teams to deploy, manage, configure, scale, and monitor their applications internally and in the cloud (AWS) in collaboration with developers, project managers, and QA

    Design, develop, document, troubleshoot, and maintain infrastructure systems and applications in support of the business operations.

    Administer databases (MongoDB) associated with both products and critical internal applications

    Troubleshoot systems and problem solve across platform and application domains

    You will need:

    Strong analytical and communication skills.

    Experience with CI/CD

    Experience with AWS

    Minimum 3 years of experience with server infrastructure management.

    Minimum 3 years of experience in automation, scripting, or development.

    Thorough understanding of build automation tools, such as Jenkins, Concourse, etc.

    Experienced with containers and container management systems.

    Experienced with at least one scripting language, such as Ruby or Python, and Bash.

    Experienced with Git.

    BS in Computer Science, Information Technology, related subject, or relevant experience.


    工作地点:上海市长宁区娄山关路 35 号


    相关福利:18 天年假; 14 天病假;商业保险;免费零食饮料供应;每周五免费午餐供应;出国团建;月度活动组织...etc

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