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用 React Hooks 重构两个项目后的详细总结

  •   unbug · 2019-02-22 14:00:41 +08:00 · 436 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1958 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    年后第一周用 React Hooks 重构了两个项目并把总结记录了下来。总结了重构流程和技巧,还有一些遇到的坑和建议,具体可以用“梯子”看 I ’ ve completely rewritten two projects with React Hooks, here is the good and the ugly.

    Table of Contents:

    • Introducing React Hooks resources
    • The benefit you can get from React Hooks
    • APIs you ’ ll be frequently used
    • Get started
        1. Update ReactJS
        1. Install the ESLint Plugin
        1. Turn a Class Component into a React Function with React Hooks
        1. Let ’ s do one more refactoring
        1. How about integrating with third-party libraries?
        1. Fix code minify issue
    • Summary
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