tieba.baidu.com###j_p_postlist>div.l_post_bright:has(a.j_click_stats.img_wrap) 上面一行提示“ is not a valid CSS selector ” 已知: tieba.baidu.com###j_p_postlist>div.l_post_bright 不会报错,那么应该是“ has ”语法错误。 由于本人不懂 CSS 规范,特来求助。
antimyth OP 输入的时候是有换行的啊?发出来怎么就没有了呢...
autoxbc 2019-03-17 19:37:29 +08:00
azh7138m 2019-03-17 20:30:53 +08:00
换行要 MD 格式才有,发帖的时候要自己选一下,而且代码也应该
``` 我是代码 ``` 这样子 |
whitev2 2019-03-17 23:01:24 +08:00 1
:-abp-has(selector) will select elements based on their content. For example :-abp-has(> div > a.advertiser) will select elements that contain as a direct descendant a <div> that contains an <a> with the class advertiser. The inner selector can be relative to the element scope, and can use any of the pseudo-selectors, including :-abp-has() and will determine whether the selection will occur. from https://adblockplus.org/zh_CN/filters#elemhide_css |