V2EX = way to explore
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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[招聘] Senior Java & Ruby Developer ,高级职位,上海,

  •   Kangyu · 2019-06-25 14:25:53 +08:00 · 1309 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1927 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    • Understand business requirements, design, implement and continuously improve complex SaaS system to support cloud customer;
    • Participate in technical planning & requirements gathering phases including design, code, test, support, and document engineering software applications;
    • Utilize analytical, process, and technical skills to meet project objectives and deliverables;
    • Ensuring that technical software development process is followed on the project, familiar with industry best practices for agile software development;
    • Demonstrate the ability to adapt and work with team members of various experience levels;
    • Collaborate with application developers, end users, operational leadership, and subject matter experts to understand current and future goals;
    • Build scalable, stable and efficient platform fundamental services, frameworks and applications;
    • Write quality, testable, maintainable, and well-documented code;
    • Give support to support service employees on customer issue;


    • Passionate Java developer with 5+ years of software application development experience;
    • Experience with full project life cycle, requirement analysis, design, development, test and support;
    • Solid consulting and communication skills;
    • Knowledge of application development technologies, including Java, Ruby on Rails, SpringIO/Spring Boot, JPA/Hibernate;
    • Familiar with UI technologies, such as HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, Angular/Material, Bootstrap, React;
    • Understanding of API, microservice, and integration concepts and technologies, such as REST, SOAP, JSON, XML, message queues, and integration patterns/frameworks;
    • Knowledge and experience with databases (relational and/or NoSQL);
    • Experience with continuous integration and continuous delivery tools (e. g. git/github, Jenkins, bamboo, gradle/maven, artifactory);
    • Has real project experience with linux production deployment and production ENV online tuning;
    • Familiarity with containers and logging/monitoring solutions;
    • Triaging, debugging, problem solving and investigative skills;
    • Experience in developing software using Agile/Scrum methodology;
    • Experience with Agile task management tools (e. g. JIRA, Rally, VersionOne);
    • Bachelor s Degree in MIS, Computer Science, Math, Engineering or comparable major;

    Add On:

    • Could speak both English and Mandarin;
    • Good at oral and written English;

    Contact Us with email subject " [V2EX] xxxx":

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