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PayPal 上海招 senior 支付开发工程师

  •   Jensontan · 2019-07-25 09:32:26 +08:00 · 2208 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1894 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    • 该岗位为 PayPal 核心支付岗位,对候选人技术要求较高,有 Fintech 工作背景更好,要求工作经验 3 年+。工作地点为上海浦东陆家嘴金融服务广场。有意者请发英文简历[email protected]
    • 其他对 PayPal 有兴趣但工作经验还较少的同学可以移步我的另一篇人贩帖: https://v2ex.com/t/584071#reply32

    以下为详细 JD:

    Job Description Summary

    PayPal is the faster, safer way to pay and get paid online. The service allows people to send money without sharing financial information, with the flexibility to pay using their account balances, bank accounts, credit cards or promotional financing. With 165 million active accounts in 203 markets and 26 currencies around the world, PayPal enables global ecommerce. More information about the company can be found at PayPal.com.

    The Product & Technology, China team is looking for strong technologists to join the team in Shanghai The ideal candidate is a self-starter and self-motivated individual with strong passion and experience in software development lifecycles for Financial systems. The candidate should have the technical expertise to lead software and architecture discussions and guide cross-functional product and engineering teams through functional definition, solution, and integration stages on large scale. The candidate should possess deep understanding of financial services and associated platforms and technology.


    • Own implementation of a module/application/product
    • Participate complex architectural discussions that involve multiple systems
    • Identify any product/functionality gaps and collaborate internal product and technology teams to define the necessary development to support solution delivery.
    • Drive integration efforts and lead critical work streams of strategic initiatives sponsored by senior executives
    • Drive engineering excellency through CI/CD
    • Pro-active response in identifying and troubleshooting integration or technical issues.


    • Minimum of 3+ years' hands-on experience developing software with 1+ years in FinTech
    • Familiarity with languages and technologies needed for web services development, including Java, C++, REST, Hadoop, Spark, NoSQL Databases.
    • Experience in architecture, design and implementation of Financial Systems/Platforms such as Core Banking, Back-end Payment Hubs, Financial reconciliation and reporting
    • Expertise in designing for reliability, availability, scalability and performance in highly regulated Financial Services industry preferred.
    • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
    • Ability to create structure and drive progress in an ambiguous environment
    • Superb communication skills; ability to comfortably interact with tech and non-tech colleagues
    • Demonstrated ability to scope, create and successfully deploy new strategy/ initiatives / capabilities
    • Experience to interact with engineering teams from multiple geo-locations
    • Ability to communicate in English
    4 条回复    2019-07-26 08:23:25 +08:00
       2019-07-25 21:32:05 +08:00 via iPhone
       2019-07-25 21:54:22 +08:00
    @seven001 我理解的底层是写数据库 /操作系统内核,所以这是介于两者中间
       2019-07-26 08:03:41 +08:00 via iPhone
    @Jensontan 我可能表达有误,我意思是更偏中间件类的还是更偏支付业务类的
       2019-07-26 08:23:25 +08:00
    @seven001 中间件。但是也需要理解整个支付业务系统
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