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Blockstack Dapps 2020

  •   Cypherpunksri · 2020-01-31 02:03:50 +08:00 · 1084 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1709 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    As technology continues to evolve, there are increasing opportunities to improve business operations meaningfully. Imagine a world without music streaming, binge-watching series, or our smart devices; that isn’t a world many of us would choose to live in.

    But Hey! This dependency and ease with technology create a constant erosion of our privacy—and sometimes we’re not even aware of a possibly dreadful trade-off!! It’s a smaller world and technology might turn invasive, which has, in turn, forced people to rethink the distinction between private and public data.

    To address this, businesses should be more transparent about their data handling procedures and privacy policies, and incorporate solutions and tools to leverage consumer data while giving them better control over their data.

    The current age offers us an opportunity to make radical changes instead of incremental changes over what we already have. The need for companies to disclose or seek permission from users for using the data can be easily replaced by deploying the apps on blockchain where in the users can decide whether they want to share or use their data. Various blockchain platforms have evolved and they continue to offer users a chance to bypass the central entities. A case in point is the evolution of Blockstack platform as an ecosystem. Dapps built on blockstack allow users to own their data and offer complete privacy. The apps on Blockstack platform subscribe to Cannt Be Evil values espoused by blockstack. Some of the interesting decentralized apps that are found as a ready replacement of their central apps are chronicled as under.

    My Feelings app is a mood tracker that helps you keep pace with your emotions.

    Blocksurvey A completely private, secure, and anonymous way to surveys, polls, and forms.A completely private, secure, and anonymous way to surveys, polls, and forms.

    Magic Spoon allows you to store your recipes on the decentralized web and allows you to share recipes with other

    Contakts is a decentralised contact book that allows you to save details on decentralized web

    Mumble is a privacy focus chat app that empowers communities by bringing like minded people together to share, discuss and empower each other through encrypted communication.

    Fable Dazzle is a decentralised story writing tool. It is your secure creative space to explore the world that you want to create or create the world that you want to explore.

    It is in the interest of the overall discourse on Privacy that this tribe of apps should grow which will lead to greater understanding of the importance of privacy and practical solutions that can eliminate the need of central apps.

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