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#SAP 西安# 招聘 ASE Senior Developer(要求数据库开发运维经验, Python /shell/script)

  •   syncviip · 2020-03-04 16:25:32 +08:00 · 1304 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1673 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    #SAP 西安# ASE Senior Developer (要求数据库开发运维经验,Python/shell/script )

    工作地点:西安市高新区锦业一路 1 号 D 座 2 层 SAP Office


    SAP ASE is a high-performance relation database, it is frequently used in banking, stock trading, insurance, e-commerce and other financial businesses where millions of transactions need to be processed quickly and efficiently. SAP ASE is renowned for its stability, speed and security features.
    The mission of our team is to improve ASE quality, shorten the product deliver period. The daily job included but not limited to:
    Develop infrastructure tool to automate product test, build, package, deliver process.
    Analyze and decompose a complicated software system and design a strategy to test this system.
    Research new emerging tools and enhance existing automated test systems.
    By adoption of machine learning technology to analyze data of related database test scenarios and extract the business value continuously.
    Modeling according to business requirements, design and develop efficient algorithms, verify and implement the models and algorithms, and solve practical business problems.

    Required Skills:
    Master’s or Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related fields
    10+ work experience on industry
    Self-motivation plus excellent problem solving
    Strong experience with shell script and python
    Better knowing web development technologies (such as JavaScript, CSS, HTML, NodeJS)
    Strong knowledge with common machine-learning algorithms, skilled in clustering, classification, regression, prediction and other models to solve challenging problems.
    Proficiency in one or more deep learning frameworks, not limited to Keras, Tensorflow, Pytorch etc.
    Have SQL programming database knowledge
    Experience in working with deployment and orchestration technologies (such as Docker, Kubernetes)
    Fluent English both spoken and written

    邮箱: [email protected]
    邮件命名格式:SAP 西安 ASE Senior Developer+名字+电话
    1 条回复    2020-03-04 16:27:17 +08:00
       2020-03-04 16:27:17 +08:00 via Android
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