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[内推] Rakuten 招聘 [日本乐天] 大连团队有两个 Devops 的 position

  •   sansanhehe · 2020-08-07 17:27:01 +08:00 · 2319 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1512 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    基本待遇是:965 不加班,无限量零食,团建,年终奖,生日会,每年赴日本培训(可以当作是 travel )。


    另外,上海地区好像有在招高级 Java 工程师

    有意的话加我微信内推:bWlzYWthcW54dA== 需要更多信息的话我会在下面更新,谢谢🙏

    以下是部分 jd: Responsibility:

    • Involve in whole process of Development, Production System Operation including system maintenance, monitoring, automation, backend operation, ensuring high availability, regular application release, troubleshooting, middleware performance tuning and collaborate with functional , technical team members to provide high quality services.

    • Involve in automation of routine manual production/non-production operation using technologies like Ansible, Docker etc. Will be the key person to propose, implement automation to increase productivity with High Quality.

    • Always improve the system performance, stability to provide 100% availability.

    • Should have service ownership mind & proactively able to react to the production issues.

    • Propose new technologies, tools etc to improve whole process of development, testing and production operations. Strong self-learning ability, motivation to work on new Technologies.

    • Work closely with developers, product manager, project manager, team lead, security and QA team members in different location (Singapore, Japan, India etc).


    • Must-have

      • Over 5 years of experience on DevOps, handling high traffic production system independently, troubleshooting (middleware, infra etc), automation, regular operation etc. Hands on with the large and scalable system.

      • Good knowledge in CICD pipeline using tools such as Jenkins/Bamboo and VCS such as GIT/SVN

      • Experience in production automation using Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible etc. Should have real experience in implementation of automation using industry standard best practice, safety.

      • Strong knowledge in LINUX based system operation and extensive skills in Linux commands.

      • Strong scripting knowledge like Perl, shell, Python, etc.

      • Good knowledge in System, application monitoring and alert notification.

      • Understanding of web application and related specification (security, HTTP protocol, RFC, etc)

      • Identify process gaps and recommend on best practices based on industry standards.

      • Provide technical expertise on complex automation and functional issues.

      • Flexible for emergency support timing based on the business requirement. Must adapt to business needs in terms of working hours.

      • Non-Business hour emergency support for critical issues.

    • Nice-to-have

      • System development experience in PHP, Java etc.

      • Experience in Microsoft Azure

      • Big Data technologies such as Hadoop, NoSQL, text mining

      • Team management experience


    • Good adoption to Rakuten’s corporate culture, Get-Things-Done mind, Ownership mindset.

    • Love and devote yourself in our service and system.

    • Positive attitude and strong desire to learn from and share with colleagues.

    2 条回复    2020-08-10 09:52:43 +08:00
       2020-08-08 09:44:19 +08:00 via Android
       2020-08-10 09:52:43 +08:00
    @enchilada2020 是的,devops 的岗位在大连,Java 的在上海
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