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typetraits 2020-10-18 23:09:38 +08:00
New in macOS Big Sur 11 beta, the system ships with a built-in dynamic linker cache of all system-provided libraries. As part of this change, copies of dynamic libraries are no longer present on the filesystem. Code that attempts to check for dynamic library presence by looking for a file at a path or enumerating a directory will fail. Instead, check for library presence by attempting to dlopen() the path, which will correctly check for the library in the cache. (62986286) Big Sur 中的动态链接库已经全部整合进 cache 里了。按照这个方法修改下代码吧 |
icubic OP @typetraits 感谢大佬的回答!居然还有这种改动…相关代码是别人给的动态库里面的…看来有点蛋疼了
egan0606 2020-10-19 14:18:46 +08:00
升级后,as 炸了,启动就闪退。😭,正在重装的路上