12.9 寸的 iPad Pro 加上秒控键盘,和 Air 还有啥区别,还有什么理由不在上面运行 macOS 呢。 最快明年可能就能见到了。
YUX 2020-11-21 17:50:07 +08:00 via iPhone 1
iPad 运行 macOS 没必要
Macbook Air: 你的下一台 iPad 何必是 iPad |
icyalala 2020-11-21 17:53:34 +08:00
想啥呢。。你以为苹果把 iOS 拆出来 iPadOS 是干啥的。。
anguiao 2020-11-21 17:54:37 +08:00 via Android
即使有跑 macOS 的触屏设备,那也应该还是 Mac,而不是 iPad 。
cwbsw OP 曾经 PC 厨用来嘲讽 iPad 的两个点,风扇和 x86,M1 Air 都没了。
估计他们会把 M1 Air 开除出 PC 行列吧。 |
mikeven 2020-11-21 18:00:03 +08:00 via iPhone 1
我猜苹果会继承母公司衣钵,iPhone 也会上 MacOS,插上显示器,变身 TNT (狗头)
verihy 2020-11-21 18:03:32 +08:00
真要搞个 iPadPro 的桌面模式就无敌了,不过自家的 mba/mbp 可能卖不动了
finely 2020-11-21 18:31:11 +08:00
苹果曾经用 iphone 干翻 ipod,等几年用 ipad 干翻 mac 也有可能的
xuanjiangsara 2020-11-21 18:43:37 +08:00
@finely 这类比不成功。论功能:iphone>ipod,mac (除了触摸)>ipad 。所以和谈高能人被低能人干翻?连看网页,ipad pro 都比不了 mac 一口气打开多个页面调研,还能做 ppt,页面就施展不开。ipad 就一个长项本事:随时随地画画。因为 mac+wacom 画笔就是可以画画,只不过不能随时随地画画(话说这样的专业人士也少)
xuanjiangsara 2020-11-21 18:45:18 +08:00
@mikeven ipad 再 pro 只能屁股后面做 sidecar 小弟。macbook air 短板续航被搞定了,各种 io 武器都能上。ipad 再 pro 外接显示器都带 bars
SungTingtae 2020-11-21 18:49:22 +08:00 via iPhone
Cavolo 2020-11-21 18:52:05 +08:00 via iPhone
hcx0 2020-11-21 20:15:50 +08:00
szq98 2020-11-21 20:22:12 +08:00
技术上可以,但苹果不太会做,过两年可能会有大神移植,但也最多就是装来玩玩,像 iPhone7 装 Android 那样
JerryCha 2020-11-21 21:04:46 +08:00
MacPad Air
wydinhk 2020-11-21 21:45:49 +08:00
But it’s still the case that fans repeatedly speculated that Apple was going to do something more profound to the Mac: turn it into something like the iPad, for instance, or use the transition to radically alter how its laptops work. Apple has repeatedly insisted that it thinks the laptop form factor is valuable and distinct from touchscreens like the iPad, but people haven’t always believed them.
This has led to ideas including the theory that Apple had redesigned its new macOS to make way for touch screen Macs. The Big Sur aesthetic borrows from the iPhone and iPad – buttons are bigger, with more space, which numerous commentators pointed out would make them perfect for manipulating with your fingers – but not because of some secret plan to change the way the Mac works, Federighi says. “I gotta tell you when we released Big Sur, and these articles started coming out saying, ‘Oh my God, look, Apple is preparing for touch’. I was thinking like, ‘Whoa, why?’ “We had designed and evolved the look for macOS in a way that felt most comfortable and natural to us, not remotely considering something about touch. “We're living with iPads, we're living with phones, our own sense of the aesthetic – the sort of openness and airiness of the interface – the fact that these devices have large retina displays now. All of these things led us to the design for the Mac, that felt to us most comfortable, actually in no way related to touch. “I've never felt more comfortable moving across our family of devices as a user, which I do hundreds of times a day than I do now, moving between iOS 14, iPadOS 14, and macOS Big Sur. They all just feel of a family – there's just less cognitive load to the switching process. “It's just they all feel like the natural instantiation of the experience for that device. And that's what you're seeing not some signaling of a future change in input methods.” https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/apple-m1-interview-macbook-release-specs-ports-reviews-b1721844.html |
byte10 2020-11-22 10:06:56 +08:00
我倒是比较期待 ipados 能用虚拟机跑 linux 就好了。性能损耗 15% 以内 就行了
cwbsw OP |
wclebb 2020-11-22 12:05:11 +08:00 via iPhone