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V2EX  ›  酷工作

百威亚太招聘 - Product Manager 产品经理

  •   raccooncity · 2020-12-18 17:29:21 +08:00 · 874 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1387 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    岗位职责 Key Responsibilities

    1. 与众多行业业务方及商家进行沟通,获取并梳理业务需求,沉淀行业共性,形成平台型产品思路;支持基础交易与促销等流程并持续优化体验;
    1. Communicate with many business parties and merchants in the industry, obtain and sort out business needs, accumulate industry commonness, and form Platform-based product ideas; Support basic transaction and promotion processes and continuously optimize the experience;

    2. 结合 B2B 垂直电商特色,提供标准的服务并支持灵活的业务场景,并且能有针对性进行产品规划和设计;
    2. Combine B2B vertical e-commerce features, provide standard services and support flexible business scenarios, and have targeted product planning and design;

    3. 承担业务分析、用户调研、产品规划、解决方案、功能与流程设计等工作,并负责产品相关的项目跟进与管理;
    3. Undertake business analysis, user research, product planning, solutions, functions and process design, and be responsible for product-related project follow-up and management;

    4. 协调运营、UED 、技术等团队以及其他关联产品,整合资源,推动产品落地。
    4. Coordinate operation, UED, technology and other teams as well as other related products, integrate resources and promote the implementation of products.

    任职要求 Qualifications

    1. 本科以上学历,有 5 年以上互联网工作经验,3 年以上电商行业经验;了解电商的促销流程、核心交易、退款 /退货产品体系;
    1. Bachelor degree or above, more than 5 years of Internet work experience, more than 3 years of e-commerce industry experience; Understand e-commerce promotion process, core transactions, refund/return product system;

    2. 业务需求梳理与管理能力:能够独立与业方沟通,把握重点需求并进行梳理和归纳,并依据供应链最佳实践主动管理业务需求;
    2. Ability to sort out and manage business requirements: able to communicate with the industry independently, grasp the key requirements, sort out and summarize them, and actively manage business requirements according to the best practices of the supply chain;

    3. 产品设计能力:能够将业务需求转换为产品,并对平台型产品应用架构提出设计与规划能力;
    3. Product design capability: able to convert business requirements into products, and propose design and planning capabilities for platform-based product application architectures;

    4. 目标力+执行力:能够基于设定的目标制定策略并执行;
    4. Goal force + Execution Force: able to formulate and implement strategies based on set goals;

    5. 较强的沟通与团队协作能力,能够推动技术、算法、业务 /合作伙伴协作完成项目;
    5. Strong communication and teamwork skills, able to promote technical, algorithm, business/partner collaboration to complete projects;

    6. 有激情,具有开拓、创新精神,能承受压力,喜欢有挑战性的工作;
    6, passionate, pioneering and innovative spirit, able to withstand pressure, like challenging work;

    7. 良好的中英文沟通能力。
    7. Good communication skills in both Chinese and English.

    请在以下链接进行申请 Please apply via the following link:

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