Thank you for your interest in IntelliJ IDEA Conf! We hope you enjoyed the talks as much as we enjoyed giving them!
We see that you don’t have a license for IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. As a token of our appreciation for joining this event, we’d like to give you a 20% discount on a personal subscription to IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate.
报名了 IntelliJ IDEA 20 周年的活动得到了一个 8 折优惠。大家都有吗?
x940727 2021-03-02 16:12:38 +08:00
说好的 5 折呢
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chendy 2021-03-02 16:18:02 +08:00
有,开开心心拿去续费全家桶,仔细一看只能用来单买 intellij
FantaMole 2021-03-02 16:19:23 +08:00
没意思没意思,前几天实在懒得等优惠了, 续了一年全家桶。看样子这个优惠也不太行
583376938 2021-03-02 16:21:41 +08:00
Rache1 2021-03-02 17:00:39 +08:00
看了一下邮箱,送了张 3 个月全家桶体验券 🙄
Hi, Thank you for your interest in IntelliJ IDEA Conf! We hope you enjoyed the talks as much as we did! We appreciate your support of our event and for being our customer – it means a lot! We thought that you might be interested in trying out some of our other IDEs, so here's a coupon that gives you 3 months of free All Products Pack usage. Try out the tools for yourself and see how they can boost your productivity! Your coupon code: ******************** Please apply the coupon towards an individual subscription at the checkout page of our eStore (detailed instructions can be found in the Licensing and Purchasing FAQ). The offer is valid until April 30, 2021. The coupon can be used once, but feel free to pass it on to a friend if you are not planning to use it yourself! |
asd999cxcx 2021-03-02 17:12:01 +08:00
没有,话说这活动怎么参加...好像是因为你没有 IDEA 的订阅给你了
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boris93 2021-03-02 17:12:37 +08:00 via iPhone
> We see that you don’t have a license for IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate.
是新用户专属优惠啊,那没事了 |
lyqqqq OP @asd999cxcx 活动刚结束几天,活动开始前邮箱订阅。百度 ”idea 20 周年“ 应该就能找到官方地址了
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levelworm 2021-03-03 03:32:47 +08:00 via Android
fd7917931e 2021-03-03 11:58:09 +08:00
2021.1 什么时候正式 release 呀
teddybun 2021-03-05 23:37:06 +08:00
@fd7917931e bug 有点多,codota 插件直接起不来,刚看了下已经 beta 了