Xshell 首先有免费版,限制同一窗口 4 个选项卡,超过 4 个会在新窗口打开,并且只能是个人或学校使用。
其付费思路是:当你购买该软件后,默认会附带一年的维护升级和技术支持(Maintenance License)。
Purchase renewals for your license maintenance in order to be able to take advantage of bug fixes/patches, priority technical support, and a free upgrade to the next major version if the maintenance dates fall within the release date.
此处说明了 maintenance 的实际作用,即上面提到的 维护升级和技术支持,如果在 maintenance 生效期间软件大版本更新是能免费升级的。
除此以外,在购买页面还有一个 Upgrade License 。我发邮件去咨询了官方销售,回复原文是:
(因为我是以 Version 5 举例的,所以回复中会有提及)
Upgrade licenses are for users who have Xshell Plus 6 and would like to upgrade to Xshell Plus 7. Upgrade licenses are only for users with Version 6. However, we do provide discounted pricing to users with Version 5.
即如果你的 license 是 Version 6 的,并且 Maintenance License 也到期了(我询问时假设的是 maintenance expired),就可以通过 Upgrade License 升级到 Version 7 。如果是 Version 5 的也是有打折的升级选项,但回复中并未提及具体价格。
然后是邮件回复对 Maintenance License 的补充说明:
Maintenance can only be purchased if your license is already at the most recent version of our software and cannot have been expired for more than 6 months. You cannot purchase maintenance on your licenses of Version 5. You are unable to purchase maintenance on older licenses which have had their maintenance expire for more than 6 months. If you keep valid maintenance on your licenses, you will always be eligible for the latest version.
当你的 license 是最新版(当前即 Version 7),Maintenance License 过期没有超过 6 个月,才能购买 Maintenance License 。
如果你一直续费并保持你的 Maintenance License 有效,那么你就能始终获得软件的最新版本。(这个就有点像订阅制了)(另外有个问题就是,我的 license 会随着软件升级而自动升级吗)
最后,需要注意的是每一份单人 license 的设备数量限制是 2 。如果需要将授权转移到新的设备上,必须要先在旧的设备卸载了之后,可用设备数量才会恢复。
A single user license can be installed on up to two devices. Once you reach your activation limit, you will be unable to activate your license on a different device. However, let's say you are decommissioning one of your devices and you'd like to move your Xshell license to a new device. You can follow these steps.
- Uninstall Xshell on the device you will no longer be using Xshell. This will return an activation count to your activation pool so it can be allocated elsewhere.
- Install and activate Xshell on your new device.
Note: If you reformat your device without first uninstalling Xshell, the activation count will not return to your pool and that activation count will be lost. Always uninstall Xshell before reformatting your device.
下面是 Xshell 和 Xftp 详细的价格列表
Xshell Plus 即 Xshell + Xftp ,比分开购买更便宜
版本 | 支持 (Years) | 价格 (USD) |
Xshell 7 | 1 | 99.00 |
Xshell 7 | 2 | 99.00 + 19.80 = 118.80 |
Xshell 7 | 3 | 99.00 + 38.60 = 137.60 |
Xshell 7 Upgrade | 1 | 59.00 |
Xshell 7 Upgrade | 2 | 59.00 + 19.80 = 78.80 |
Xshell 7 Upgrade | 3 | 59.00 + 38.60 = 97.60 |
Xshell Maintenance | 1 | 19.80 |
Xshell Maintenance | 2 | 38.60 |
Xftp 7 | 1 | 49.00 |
Xftp 7 | 2 | 49.00 + 9.80 = 58.80 |
Xftp 7 | 3 | 49.00 + 19.10 = 68.10 |
Xftp 7 Upgrade | 1 | 29.00 |
Xftp 7 Upgrade | 2 | 29.00 + 9.80 = 38.80 |
Xftp 7 Upgrade | 3 | 29.00 + 19.10 = 48.10 |
Xftp Maintenance | 1 | 9.80 |
Xftp Maintenance | 2 | 19.10 |
Xshell Plus 7 | 1 | 119.00 |
Xshell Plus 7 | 2 | 119.00 + 23.80 = 142.80 |
Xshell Plus 7 | 3 | 119.00 + 46.40 = 165.40 |
Xshell Plus 7 Upgrade | 1 | 71.00 |
Xshell Plus 7 Upgrade | 2 | 71.00 + 23.80 = 94.80 |
Xshell Plus 7 Upgrade | 3 | 71.00 + 46.40 = 117.40 |
Xshell Plus Maintenance | 1 | 23.80 |
Xshell Plus Maintenance | 2 | 46.40 |
最最后,价格对我来说确实有点贵,但是 Maintenance License 我倒觉得挺便宜的。另外可以自行和国内特供版比较一下价格: https://www.xshellcn.com/buy.html
omL72EEc 2021-11-03 16:09:47 +08:00 via Android
相比之下,EMEDITOR 永久版只要 180 美元,十分便宜了
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Usaki 2021-11-03 17:14:07 +08:00
除了堡垒机硬性要用 xshell ,一般只用 mobaxterm
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lusi1990 2021-11-03 18:00:07 +08:00
secureCRT 多好
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xmi OP |
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Usaki 2021-11-04 09:12:24 +08:00
@xmi 因为很多堡垒机只支持一些大众工具,putty ,secureCrt ,xshell 这些,其他的 finalshell ,mobaxteam 等不支持
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Usaki 2021-11-04 09:13:34 +08:00
还有 mobaxteam 的专业版是可以破解的,网上有算法脚本,直接执行后生成文件放在程序目录下即可破解
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wangyu17455 2021-11-04 09:18:00 +08:00
继续用 finalshell ,除了会吃掉我 1g 内存并没有遇到什么其他的问题