Vegetable 2022-08-23 16:28:16 +08:00
In mathematics and statistics, the mean is a kind of average. Besides the mean, there are other kinds of average, and there are also a few kinds of mean.
The most common mean is the arithmetic mean, which is calculated by adding all of the values together, then dividing by the number of values. For example, if 1, 2, 2, 100, 100 is a set of numbers or scores. If we add all the numbers, the answer is 205. By dividing this number by the number of numbers (5), we find that the mean is 41. The difficulty with this particular set of numbers is that no one in this group scored anything like a 41, and it does not tell us much about what kind of scores these numbers represent. https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean |
AoEiuV020CN 2022-08-23 16:28:45 +08:00
lakehylia 2022-08-23 16:41:51 +08:00 2
mean 是平均值,平均值包括算术平均值,几何平均值,平方平均值(均方根平均值,rms ),调和平均值,加权平均值,等等。avg 就是算术平均值
noe132 2022-08-23 16:43:18 +08:00
根据楼上两位的回复,我的理解是 mean 代表一种 average 。average 有很多种,其中一种是 mean 。
Leviathann 2022-08-23 16:46:19 +08:00
@noe132 反了