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  •   vcfghtyjc · 2023-01-06 10:02:24 +08:00 · 1524 次点击
    这是一个创建于 789 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    我去年入职本来是直接归大老板管,后面大老板招了新的 2 个 manager ,然后我和大老板的关系从 direct manager 变成了 skip skip manager 。但是大老板还是会每个月和我 1:1 让我不会因为更换 manager 影响我。因此我就有了和 skip skip manager 交流的机会。

    1. 他能给我提供帮助的问题
    2. 我能提供的有价值的信息

    平时个人成长和项目进度都汇报给 direct manager ,感觉根大老板直接讨论有点没意义。
    第 1 条附言  ·  2023-01-06 11:55:15 +08:00


    If you are meeting with your manager's manager's manager (also known as a "skip-level manager"), it can be helpful to prepare in advance by considering what topics might be most relevant and valuable to discuss. Some ideas might include:

    • Your role and responsibilities: You could discuss your current role and responsibilities and seek feedback on how you are doing. You could also ask for guidance on how to grow and develop in your role.

    • The broader team or organization: You could discuss any challenges or opportunities that you see within the team or organization, and seek input on how to address them.

    • Your career development: You could discuss your long-term career goals and ask for support or advice on how to achieve them.

    • Challenges or roadblocks: If you are facing any challenges or roadblocks in your role, you could discuss these issues with your skip-level manager and seek their guidance on how to overcome them.

    • Opportunities for collaboration: If there are opportunities for you to work with other teams or departments within the organization, you could discuss these opportunities and seek support or guidance on how to pursue them.

    It's important to remember to be respectful of your skip-level manager's time and to come prepared with a clear agenda and specific goals for the meeting.

       2023-01-06 10:21:16 +08:00
    什么类型的会议啊,是周会一样的过一下还是像吃饭一样的比较随意?还是有 case 单独汇报的那种目的性很强的会议?
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