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V2EX 第 629633 号会员,加入于 2023-05-18 19:21:30 +08:00
DrLeavea 最近回复了
2023-07-11 12:30:31 +08:00
回复了 DrLeavea 创建的主题 VPS hosteons 网站被攻击了?
Affecting System - New York Datacenter Power Grid Failure

07/11/2023 10:15 Last Updated 07/11/2023 11:08
Power remains off at our data center in Secaucus/EWR1 per the local fire marshal. We have had an electrical failure with one of our redundant UPS' that started to smoke and then had a small fire in the UPS room. The fire department was dispatched and the fire was extinguished quickly. The fire department subsequently cut power to the entire data center and disabled our generators while they and the utility verify electrical system. We have been working with both the fire department and the utility to expedite this process. We are currently waiting on the fire marshal and local utility to reenergize the site. We are completely dependent upon their inspection and approval. We are hoping to get an update that we can share in the next hour. At the current time, the fire department is controlling access to the building and we will not be able to let customers in.

All our KVM VPS, Ryzen VPS and OpenVZ VPS in New York are down due to this power and fire incident. Other locations are not effected. As soon as we have more update, we will share it.


After reviewing the site, the fire Marshall is requiring that we extensively clean the UPS devices and rooms before they will allow us to re-energize the site. We have a vendor at the site currently who will be performing that cleanup. We will provide an update at 8:00AM EDT unless something significant changes overnight.
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